Beto O'Rourke on the latest mass shot in Texas: "It's good"


Presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke rose angrily after the last mass shot in Texas this weekend, which he described as "fairy".

"We do not know how many were killed. We do not know the motivation. But here's what we know: it's angry, "the Texan Indian wrote on Twitter Saturday night, at least five people were shot dead and 21 wounded in a shooting.

The Democrat also shared a video of him saying the same thing during a speech at Fairfax Station, Virginia, getting a huge cheer after the brutal gain.

"We know that this must stop in this country. There is no reason, "he told the crowd, accusing Congress of not adopting significant firearms laws and calling for a mandatory surrender program for AR-15s. and the AK-47s.

"There is no reason for us to accept this as our fortune, our future, our destiny. And yet, functionally, we have it now, "he insisted.

"It is not correct, it is not an act of God, it is not a natural disaster, it is a problem caused by the man with a solution human.

"And if you wish, we can be humans who will do something about it."

The mass shootings began Saturday afternoon when the gunman pulled a rifle against the police during a road check in Odessa, killing five and more than a dozen others injured.

The name of the shooter – a white man in his thirties – has not been revealed and his mobile is unknown.


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