Head of DHS: Mass shootings "absolutely a threat to internal security"


McAleenan told ABC's "This Week" show that her office was monitoring the situation, stating, "It is extremely worrying to have this level, the length of an event, to do so much." It's devastating and, you know, 300 miles from El Paso, a region that has really felt the impact of the massive attacks of the past few weeks. we will aggressively monitor. "

He added: "They pose a threat to internal security, and in our counterterrorism strategy and approach, national terrorism has been at the center of our concerns, and since April, when I became Acting Secretary, we have created a new office. dedicated to the prevention of violence and terrorism, focus on national terrorism, including racially motivated violent extremism, which we have seen too much in recent weeks and months. "

Facilitator Martha Raddatz also asked McAleenan if more resources should be devoted to fighting this form of national terrorism.

"It's a conversation we have as an inter-agency team with the FBI, with the Office of Management and Budget, to see what is the appropriate level of resources for the future, so to be able to continue to focus on the international terrorist threat and the level of prevention that we have achieved, but we also ensure a balance between those efforts and effective efforts in national terrorism, "said McAleenan.

Twenty-two people were also killed in a separate mass shootout last month at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas.


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