Rates on HomePod, AirPod and Mac desktop imports have begun


By William Gallagher
Sunday 01 September 2019, 2:11 PT (05:11 ET)

The US Trade Representative implemented President Trump's expected 30% tariff on goods, including Apple products such as Macs and audio devices imported from China.

Apple CEO, Tim Cook and President Donald Trump

Apple CEO, Tim Cook and President Donald Trump

Starting at 1:01 am on September 1, 2019, President Trump's administration has implemented projects to enforce a 30% tariff on products imported from China, including iMacs, iMac Pros, and mini mini d & rs. Apple, as well as the HomePod and all the headsets. The US Trade Representative (USTR) plans to apply a 15% tariff on other goods on December 15th.

Rates are an increase from those previously advertised. They come in response to the Chinese government's retaliation against earlier tariffs by implementing its own treatment for $ 75 billion worth of goods imported from the United States into China.

The September 1 tariffs of the US administration include Mac desktops and audio equipment as part of a list released by the US Trade Representative, which covers about 3,000 different product types for a total value estimated at $ 125 billion.

This complete list of September 1 includes some elements that can be interpreted as components used by Apple, such as lithium-ion batteries.

However, it is likely that Apple products fall under article number 8471.41.01, which describes "ADP [Automatic Data Processing] the machines, not portable or greater than 10 kg, include in the same housing the smallest CPU and the input / output unit. "

There is also document 8471.49.00 which describes "automatic data processing machines" which it refers to as "nes", or "unspecified or otherwise specified".

Although this categorization can theoretically be applied to iPhones, the US Trade Representative will not add tariffs to smartphones before December 15. As expected, the full list on December 15 includes "cell phones or other wireless networks" (8517.12. 00.)

US companies importing these products pay customs duties and all Apple products will be subject to customs duties on September 1 st or December 15 th. It is not known yet how Apple will react, but there has been speculation that it would be able to absorb the tariff on iPhones.

The rates come two weeks after President Trump said Tim Cook had explained why they were unfair to Apple.


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