BJ Penn explains the fight video at the bar: "I tried to hug him and he hit me"


The former lightweight champion of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), BJ Penn, who also won gold for the 170-pound title, was in the news last week after the video revealed that "The Prodigy" was entering a fight at the "Big Island" bar, which had started with a parking lot. KO a lot and ended with a bit of Hawaiian land and pound.

Watch these videos here and here.

Penn insists that this latest incident is not a drunken case. In fact, the former featherweight claimed that his attacker was an acquaintance who had simply lost his temper and needed to be recalled. The means for that? A Hawaiian hug in front of "many witnesses" who passed like a ball of lead.

"I'm at a concert to meet one of my friends I knew since we were very young kids and I'm there, and then one of my acquaintances, he gets excited about something," Penn said. TSN. "You know, something was said or what or if it was a thing of the past and then he wants to fight about it. I'm like, "Naw naw", we have a lot of witnesses, everyone can corroborate my story. I'm like, "No, no, no, I do not want to fight. We are friends, everything is cool, this and that. "

Working against Penn is the fact that he has already had trouble with street fighting in the past (example here) and that he is currently involved in a battle for the guard of what his team calls it. "Wrongful and false" allegations of domestic violence against her mother. the children.

"He even goes outside and I say to myself," Ah, that's silly. "I'm going to pick him up, calm him down, get back inside, we're going to enjoy the show, we have some other friends over there," continued Penn, "I'm going out to kiss the guy, then he hits me twice, I said to myself, "No, no, calm down." I try to hug him and he hits me a few more times, then he hits me again. that they do not cut the video in half, so no matter whoever presents it, I wish they had everything that showed me to try to take him in his arms. "

"Finally, my adrenaline started because it hit me so much, I thought," Go ahead, hit me again. "But actually, I thought the guy would just end up being:" You know what? Forget it, B.J., give me a hug or anything, get away, "Penn said. "He hit me and he hit me well. M & # 39; t reversed. And then when I got up, he tried again and then I had to defend myself. That's what you see in the second video. "

Penn is expected to return to the Octagon for the final fight of his UFC career against legendary Nik Lentz. While the fight is scheduled for November, the promotion has not yet formalized its grudge match.

Stay tuned.


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