"He said he was gay, so what?


The woes of Kevin Hart continue to rise. While the comedian is recovering from his back surgery following a car accident on Sunday morning, he faces new criticisms of comments made during the first season of HBO. The shop, which aired Tuesday night.

In a clip from the series, Hart takes part in a discussion in which his other guest, Lil Nas X, is asked about his decision to become a gay public in June, along with the phenomenal success of his hit song "Old Town Road. As the host of this year's Oscars as a result of the uproar aroused by his homophobic jokes, he could not help intervening as the rapper was telling his story.

"And with all these early successes, did you think it was important to make an announcement recently?" Asks Paul Rivera, creator of the series, to the 20-year-old musician.

Kevin Hart's reaction to Lil Nas X's news has been criticized. (Photo: Roy Rochlin / Getty Images)
Kevin Hart's reaction to Lil Nas X's news has been criticized. (Photo: Roy Rochlin / Getty Images)

"He said he was gay, so what?", Hart interrupts, while others in the room are heard, adding, "What's the purpose?"

But Rivera closes the comment and again tells Lil Nas X why he felt it was "necessary" to be honest about his sexuality.

"It's not that it's like being forced," he replies. "It's just, like, knowing that growing up … like, I've grown up to hate it, I'm not supposed to do it …"

Hart interrupts, asking him: "hate what?"

"Homosexuality, homosexuals," answers Lil Nas X with a sound more and more frustrated.

"Why?" Hart retorts.

"Come on now," Lil Nas X said. "If you really come from the hood, you know. It's not something [accepted] … "

He goes on to explain that, by going out to his size as a "cool dude" with a hit song, this has had more impact.

"If you do that while you're at the top, you know it's, for example, really," he says. It's like showing that it does not really matter, I suppose. "

Lil Nas X came out gay in June. (Photo: REUTERS / Andrew Kelly)
Lil Nas X came out gay in June. (Photo: REUTERS / Andrew Kelly)

Now that the series is airing, Lil Nas X's statements have been hailed, fans thanking him for using his platform to help pave the way for other LGBTQ people. On the other hand, Hart's disdain reactions have provoked negative reactions from critics who accuse the star of not taking the issue seriously and worrying about genuine concerns about homophobia.

"I'm not going to mince words … f *** Kevin Hart," read a comment. "He is the last person to question the process and the release schedule of anyone. And to say that in the face of the young man like that? It's a no from me. "

Despite accusations that Hart was ignorant and insensitive, many fans came to his defense and claimed that he was misunderstood.

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