The former Trump supporter says in Moscow "Mitch" McConnell: "If you do not like this nickname, do your homework"


A former well-known supporter of President Donald Trump has been associated with criticism "Mitch Moscow" of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in an open letter informing the Republican: "If you do not like this nickname, do your job. "

David Weissman, who had also already supported McConnell, made the senator's harsh words in an open letter issued Wednesday by the The time of Israel. Critics have begun calling McConnell "Moscow Mitch" since the head of state had blocked the election security bills in July, despite evidence of Russia's interference in the elections Weissman's letter comes a day after several hashtags from Moscow to Moscow tended to spread on Twitter after McConnell complained of the nickname.

"Sir, we are going through difficult times," Weissman said. He spoke about racism, hate crimes, large-scale shootings and easy access to firearms and military-type assault rifles. The veteran of the army wrote that Democrats and Republicans have introduced several bills "aimed at reforming common sense guns for as many Americans," but that "these projects of law stay on your desk, ignored ".

"You fail the people who elected you to act as a senator, but you act as [a] Weppman wrote: "You have also blocked the bipartisan bills that would protect the elections in our country, which gives Russia more opportunities to intervene in our elections."

Weissman wrote that McConnell "puts our democracy alone in jeopardy".

"That's why people call you Moscow, Mitch," Weissman wrote. "If you do not like this nickname, do your job and represent the American people."

Weissman said Newsweek On Wednesday afternoon, he wrote the open letter, because "there have been too many mass shootings in our country and Mitch is the one that prevents any prevention likely to reduce armed violence".

The veteran said that he had once supported McConnell "because I originally thought it was the Democrats who were there to deprive us of our rights." Weissman stopped supporting Trump early in 2018, as well as the Republican party, around the same time, having been convinced that much of the GOP's work is "based on lies about the Democratic Party."

Weissman added that the Second Amendment does not say that anyone can own a gun "and that everyone should not do it", and stated that he "had less respect for Mitch because he's taking money from the NRA [National Rifle Association]. "

"You take money from the ANR and Russia that prevent you from making the right decisions to protect our democracy and the American people," Weissman wrote, concluding that "if you continue these acts, that I know you will do, I do everything I can to help [McConnell Senate challenger] Amy McGrath to replace you. "

Moscow Mitch, former supporter of Trump
Local activist Leroy Wilson holds a "Moscow Mitch" sign, referring to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), on the sidelines of tonight's Democratic presidential debate at the Fox Theater on July 30, 2019 in Detroit, Michigan.
Justin Sullivan / Getty

Tuesday, McConnell complained right Hugh Hewitt Show about the nickname of Moscow Mitch and called it "McCarthyism of modern times".

"Amazing for a cold warrior like me who has spent his career holding the Russians under a nickname like this.It's an effort to get me dirty.You know, I can laugh at things like" Grim Reaper ", he says of a nickname that he's given," but call me "Moscow Mitch" is too high. "

After McConnell's comments, members of The Democratic Coalition pushed several hashtags and placed #MoscowMitchHatesAmerica and #MoscowMitch at the top of the list of Twitter trends in the United States.

"Instead of working on gun reform legislation, Moscow started crying over the radio on its new nickname," coalition co-founder Scott Dworkin told the radio. Newsweek Wednesday afternoon.

Since he became Liberal Democrat, Weissman has expressed his disapproval of Trump, the Republican Party and its policy on platforms such as Twitter, where it has more than 92,000 subscribers. In a blog post last month, after mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Weissman called for the withdrawal of the NRA and said that conservative experts should not be allowed to control gun laws .


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