21 years in coma for vape-related complications – CBS Sacramento


ROSEVILLE (CBS13) – A mother of Folsom begs people not to vape. She says that's why her son is now in a coma.

Ricky D'Ambrosio, 21, is at the Roseville hospital and is struggling to survive. His family told CBS13 that he was there because he had vanished. Now, they want to share their story, hoping it prevents others from doing the same.

"He has a heart of gold, that's all I can say," said Caitlynne D'Ambrosio.

She rushed home from the university on Monday. His mother, Christy, called to tell him that his brother, Ricky, was in the hospital and was not doing well.

READ ALSO: Why the sudden outbreak of vape-related diseases?

"I arrived as soon as I could and have been there ever since," said Caitlynne D'Ambrosio.

The doctors did not know what was wrong at first. They tested Ricky for an infection. Christy said her son had been vomiting for five days.

"It was really strange. I may have thought about food poisoning or the flu, "she said.

"The antibiotics that would be used for the infection do not work," said Caitlynne D'Ambrosio.

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Caitlynne finally gave the doctors the information they needed. She told them Ricky vapes. Ricky was in acute respiratory failure, now officially linked to a vaping.

"They decided to paralyze him, put him in a coma and let him rest," said Caitlynne D'Ambrosio.

Christy says that she feels helpless to see Ricky that way.

"As a mother, it's so difficult," she said. "I'm looking at this bed, and I see it as a little boy and the little boy I raised."

But now Professor Loomis wants to make others aware of the real dangers of vaping before it's too late.

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"Vaping is so new, there are no real studies, there is no real research," she said.

Caitlynne said, "Whether it succeeds or not, children need to know that it is a real and possible outcome. It can happen to anyone. "

Ricky's family tells CBS13 that she still does not know if he's going to recover. He has been receiving steroids for 24 hours and doctors say it seems to help.

Meanwhile, his family tells us that if they can save at least one life by telling his story, their goal will be achieved.


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