Kanye West is reported to have purchased $ 14 million at the 'Monster Lake Ranch' in Wyoming


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Topline: Kanye West added a sprawling, 9,000-acre ranch located outside Cody, Wyoming, at the collection of homes that he has with his wife Kim Kardashian, who had said that she wanted to move their family there.

  • Monster Lake Ranch has his own website consisting of a single landing page. This promises "a true Western lodging experience," with "multiple lodging choices," like cabin rentals and "teepee camping." & Nbsp;
  • In an interview of September 2 for Vogue Arabia, West, which ranks third on the Forbes 100 best paid artists, asked Kardashian where she saw herself in ten years. She replied, "I see ourselves living on a Wyoming ranch, sometimes going to Palm Springs and back home to Los Angeles – and becoming a lawyer."
  • West has already stayed in Wyoming. He recorded his album 2018 & # 39; You in the rural state, where he also organized a listening evening for the recording.
  • The Monster Lake Ranch, in addition to its eight accommodation units, includes two freshwater lakes, a restaurant and "facilities for events and meetings".

Key background: West was $ 53 million he was not in debt a short time ago – three years, to be exact – when he had to cancel a visit to the arena and get treatment for symptoms of sleep deprivation and temporary psychosis. But the launch of West's Yeezy shoe line in 2009 has been lucrative and is expected to exceed $ 1.5 billion in sales this year. In June, Forbes valued The West's net worth for 2019 is $ 240 million.


Topline: Kanye West has added a vast 9,000-acre ranch located outside Cody, Wyoming, to the collection of homes that he owns with his wife, Kim Kardashian, who had said they would move their homes there. family.

  • Monster Lake Ranch has its own website consisting of a single landing page. This promises "a real experience of accommodation in the West", with "several choices of accommodation", such as cabin rentals and "camping tipi".
  • In an interview of September 2 for Vogue Arabia, West, third in the standings Forbes 100 best paid artists, asked Kardashian where she saw herself in ten years. She replied, "I see ourselves living on a Wyoming ranch, sometimes going to Palm Springs and back home to Los Angeles – and becoming a lawyer."
  • West has already stayed in Wyoming. He recorded his album 2018 & # 39; You in the rural state, where he also organized a listening evening for the recording.
  • The Monster Lake Ranch, in addition to its eight accommodation units, includes two freshwater lakes, a restaurant and "facilities for events and meetings".

Key background: Not long ago, West had a debt of $ 53 million – three years to be absolutely right – when he had to cancel a tour of the arena and get treatment for symptoms of lack sleep and temporary psychosis. But the launch of West's Yeezy shoe line in 2009 has been lucrative and is expected to exceed $ 1.5 billion in sales this year. In June, Forbes The net value of West 2019 is estimated at $ 240 million.


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