Donald Trump pen: the Trump campaign starts selling pens after the controversy on the map


Trump shows an altered map of Dorian Road

The Trump campaign sells marker sets bearing the name of President Trump after three days of bitter President's defense against a map clearly used a marker to extend the projected path of Hurricane Dorian in Alabama.

Mr. Trump asserted that he was unaware of having brandished an obsolete map of the NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency) during a hurricane briefing Tuesday, suggesting that he did not know why a black line extended the previous NOAA model in Alabama. Mr Trump had tweeted Sunday that Alabama was in danger, which the National Meteorological Service contested only 20 minutes later in the day.

The Trump campaign has decided to take into account the situation on Thursday. Brad Parscale, the campaign leader, tweeted that the Trump marker "has the special ability to make CNN crazy!

The black markers, hundreds of which sold out shortly after its announcement, come in sets of five for $ 15.

"Buy the official Trump marker, which is different from all other markers on the market, because it has the special ability to drive @CNN and the rest of the false news is crazy! #KeepMarkersGreat"Parscale tweeted.

On Thursday, the Washington Post reported that Mr. Trump himself had taken the pen on the map.

The president continued to insist that Alabama was seriously threatened by previous NOAA models.

"Fake News Media was obsessed with the fact that, at the start of Hurricane Dorian, I said that in addition to Florida and other states, Alabama could also be hit or hit. went mad, hoping against all hope that I made a mistake (which I did not do.) Look at the cards … ", tweeted the president Friday morning.

"Four days of corrupt denunciation, still without excuses," Mr Trump complained in another tweet, claiming that "this nonsense has never happened to another president".


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