Elon Musk says to look for the Tesla pickup truck in November


Elon Musk does the same thing again, but he drops the news that interest people in random Twitter responses.

It happened Saturday, when a Twitter user asked the CEO of Tesla for an update on when the company will unveil its pickup truck. Musk had already hinted at a revelation of the summer of 2019 for the so-called "Cyberpunk Truck" in June, but that was obviously not the case.

Now, expect a first look at the Tesla pickup truck in November "most likely".

Plans for a summer revelation were in preparation recently at the June Annual Meeting of Shareholders. It's there that the so-called Cyberpunk Truck debuted teasing – just an indistinct close-up of what appears to be LED position lights – with the promise of a summer unveiling.

During the same presentation, Musk said Tesla's truck semi-trailer is expected to arrive by the end of 2020 and that the Y model – the Tesla compact SUV – will also be widely available from here. the end of this year.

He had a lot less to say about pickup, noting only that it would be like "something that came out of a sci-fi movie".

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