New Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC ReMind trailer highlights new battles and stories


The ReMind story of Kingdom Hearts III, still ready for release this winter, was completed with a new trailer featuring new upcoming battle scenarios, along with some other jokes.

Watch the trailer above to take a fresh look at the DLC through its latest TGS 2019 trailer and check out Screenshots of the trailer in the gallery below.

The new trailer gives us a better insight into Sora's all-new form in a duel against Xigbar, a member of Organization XIII. The film also features new scenes with Sora and Namine, a conversation between Sora and Chirithy about Kairi and several new aspects of the battles featuring Terra, Ven and Aqua, as well as members of Organization XIII.

Square Enix debuted with Kingdom Hearts III's DLC Reymind at the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra's concert adjacent to the E3 2019, with a trailer, that you can look below and details on what this substantial DLC package would include. The video included confirmation of more playable opportunities for Roxas, Aqua and Riku, apparently showing the ability to play these characters during fights taking place in the same area as the ultimate challenge of boss fights. The official description, as included with the latest trailer, reads as follows:

"In the next DLC, players will travel to a familiar realm and meet powerful new leaders.In some of the extra battles, players will be able to change their characters, and players can get additional Keyblades by downloading the free update. "

Kingdom Hearts 3 scored 8.7 in our review. If you work in the game, be sure to check the Kingdom Hearts 3 wiki for all the secrets, including a guide on how to unlock the epilogue.

Jonathon Dornbush is the senior editor of the IGN channel, host of Beyond !, and a supporter of Kingdom Hearts. Talk to him about the trailer on Twitter @jmdornbush.


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