Democratic debate: candidates warned not to curse


In an e-mail to CNN's campaigns on Tuesday, officials from the Democratic National Committee and ABC News – the host network of the debate – urged candidates to refrain from swearing on the debate scene in order not to harm to the Federal Communications Commission. rules of indecency.

"We will not issue any show on any delay, so there will be no possibility of removing foul language," reads the note. "Candidates must therefore avoid curses and swearing in accordance with federal law and FCC guidelines."

One source told CNN that this was the first warning of this type received by the campaigns. Previous Democratic debates in this cycle have been organized by the MSNBC and CNN cable networks, which are not subject to FCC rules.

The warning comes as several Democratic presidential candidates began to use swearing during the election campaign, including former Beto Ours Rourke, for whom the F bomb was also a hallmark of his campaign at the time. Senate in Texas.

Earlier in his presidential campaign, an Elector from Iowa asked O 'Rourke for it would muffle his salt language, and O' Rourke said he would do it. But following a massive shootout in his hometown of El Paso, Texas, last month, the former Texas congressman again began to use liberally four-letter words to express his frustration with the US gun laws.

His campaign has even started selling t-shirts with the following phrase: "This is F-ed up!"


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