Trump emergency declaration to build wall


A bipartisan group of senators introduced a resolution on Wednesday to nix President TrumpDonald John Trump 5 Things to Watch in Critical NC Race Remembering 9/11: How to Suicide Attack?'S emergency statement to him to build a border wall.

The resolution, from Sens. Tom UdallThomas (Tom) Stewart UdallFederal watchdog: Trump admin broke the law of the night. (D-N ยท m.), Susan CollinsSusan Margaret CollinsDemocrats play to Trump's ego on guns Romney signals he's open to bipartisan background check bill This week: Congress returns for first time since mass shootings MORE (R-Maine) and Jeanne ShaheenCynthia (Jeanne) Jeanne ShaheenDemocratic senator requests inspector general probe NOAA's backing of Trump on Dorian Trump to hold campaign rally in New Mexico NH Democrats attack Lewandowski's lobbying stars Senate speculation MORE (D-N.H.), Would block Trump from shifting funds for military construction to building his wall. Collins is a top Democratic target in the 2020 elections.


Trump campaigned on building the wall and is determined to make progress in the future.

He released the emergency declaration after a government.

Trump's use of the emergency powers.

The Senate has been voted in favor of the resolution in March, when the same group of Under the National Emergencies Lawmakers can force a vote every six months.

"New Mexico just lost $ 125 million in military construction funding and more could be at risk if this so-called emergency goes on unchecked. We must continue to stand in a bipartisan way to the president of circumventing Congress and stepping on the separation of powers, "Udall said in a statement.

The Pentagon announced last week that it was moving forward with $ 3.6 billion in military construction towards the wall, following up on Trump's decision to declare a national emergency.


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