Apple unveils large-scale research studies focusing on the activity of follow-up, hearing and women's health


Apple plans to launch three health care studies – conducted using a new research application – to test how well its Apple Watch can track the health and cardiovascular mobility of a person, his or her alterations of hearing, health and fertility of women.

Conducted in partnership with academic institutions and healthcare institutions, these studies aim to target almost all Apple customers to research. The technology giant plans to download its search application as a free download later this year.

In a previous heart-centered study, Apple surveyed more than 400,000 people in the United States in just eight months, looking for irregular heartbeats that may be related to atrial fibrillation using smartwatch pulse tracking.


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"Through the Apple Heart study, we have found that we can have a positive impact on medical research to help current patients and make contributions that will benefit future generations," said Jeff Williams, Director of Operations. Apple, in a statement. "Today's announcement brings our commitment to health even further by involving participants on a larger scale than ever before."

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New studies include Apple's long-term study on women's health, conducted alongside the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health and Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health . It will track the menstrual cycles and gynecological conditions of the participants to help build a digital tool that assesses the risk of developing conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility and osteoporosis, and pregnancy and pregnancy. transitions to menopause.

"This is an exciting opportunity for NIEHS researchers to contribute to the design of the study and to use the data obtained to answer new questions, not only important for women of childbearing age, but also for women of all ages, "said Dale Sandler, head of NIEHS. Directorate of Epidemiology.

The Apple Heart and Movement study, conducted in collaboration with the American Heart Association and Brigham and Women's Hospitals, will seek to link digital biomarkers such as walking speed and stair ascents, hospitalizations, falls, heart health and quality of life in general.

Meanwhile, Apple will work with the University of Michigan to collect over time data on the sound exposure and the impact of the hearing. The results of the Apple Hearing study will also be shared with the World Health Organization (WHO) and its Make Listening Safe initiative, according to the company.

"With over one billion young people at risk of losing hearing because of unsafe listening, the WHO is attacking this problem by raising awareness of the problem. public opinion and setting new standards for safe listening, "said Shelly Chadha, Technical Manager for Prevention of Hearing Loss and Hearing Loss. to WHO. "The knowledge gained from this study will contribute to future public health actions in this area."


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