"JJ made my child cry": Texans & J.J. Watt compensates for the boy's fumbling lollipop



A fun pass by J.J. Watt produced the tears of a boy whose lollipop had been spilled on the ground, but his frown was quickly reversed.

New Orleans Saints striker Thomas Morstead told the moving story on Twitter, saying it was his son who made an unexpected move in the match.

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"JJ Watt has a pre-game ritual of walking around the stadium playing with children," said Morstead, a graduate of Pearland High School. "Last night he threw Beckett a ball and knocked the lollipop in. In the end, JJ made my child cry."

However, Morstead shared his appreciation for what Watt did next. "As soon as the crying followed, everything stopped … JJ was kind enough to give Beckett his gloves," Morstead said. "Thank you for creating a memorable souvenir for my boys."

Later in the day, Watt spoke to Twitter to respond and apologize. "Oh man, I did not know it was your son, I felt so bad when I saw the ball hit that lollipop," Watt said. "I'm glad everything went well, sorry for that!"

In the end, the punter of the Saints found humor in the incident that dropped the lollipop.
"Apparently, the five-second rule is true even on the floor of the Superdome," said Morstead.

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