Steelers criticize Ben Roethlisberger's practice habits, his leadership


Ben Roethlisberger

It's no secret that Ben Roethlisberger had serious personal and professional problems with Antonio Brown, while the two teammates were teammates, but the drama that pitted them leaves many people wondering if the quarterback has struggling to get along with the other Pittsburgh Steelers players. At the very least, it seems clear that Big Ben is far from being a perfect leader.

ESPN's Jeremy Fowler interviewed more than 25 people – including current and former teammates – about Roethlisberger's leadership skills and work habits. While many praised the double Super Bowl champion and highlighted a body of non-commentary work, the general theme is that Big Ben can improve as a leader and strive to do so.

A current Steelers player described as having "a quality experience" told Fowler that he had no relationship with Roethlisberger. This seems to be true for other players as well. Josh Harris, a former Pittsburgh midfielder, said Roethlisberger had not spoken to him more than a month after his promotion of the coaching team in 2014. Even then, Big Ben had only made an effort. to establish a relationship with Harris when The Veon Bell is injured at the 17th week.

"This is where people are badly caught," Harris said. "When you go out and [criticize a teammate the way Roethlisberger has with Brown] and there is no pre-existing relationship, [it’s harder to] tell him, it's because he wants me to be a better player. "

Veteran linebacker Vince Williams said he thought some younger players were Roethlisberger's "starstruck," and he told the quarterback that it was up to him to become more accessible. Roethlisberger recognizes this, and that's one of the reasons he has been hosting teammates at home in Georgia during the off-season.

After the 2018 season, Brown was burned on Roethlisberger and blamed him for having an "owner mentality". A current Steelers player has called Big Ben "owner" while talking to Fowler.

Then there is the idea of ​​a special treatment that Roethlisberger has deserved. However, several former Steelers players who played with other players in the quarter said they were surprised that Roethlisberger was taking days off, usually using Wednesday as a day off.

"Just or not," said one player, "Roethlisberger's penchant for missing training almost every week, then the intense training of the players when he participates may seem to suggest that everyone is on time," he wrote. Fowler.

The Steelers have talked a lot about having better chemistry now that Brown and Bell have nothing left to do, but they will rely a lot on Roethlisberger to help them find a new (or old?) Identity. While Big Ben has had a lot of former and former teammates who enthusiastically defend his leadership abilities, he's clearly falling short of some areas.


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