Borderlands 3 suffers from a lot of technical problems at launch •


And players turn to the Borderlands 2 Steam page for help.

Borderlands 3 is out this week and players report many technical problems related to the game.

On the console, the Gearbox Looter shooter suffers from framerate problems. Specifically, players report a stuttering of fps in performance mode, supposed to give you an experience of 30fps. But this stuttering seems to be prevalent on all platforms and modes.

There is also a lot of delay, especially when you play in split screen cooperation mode and a player goes into his ECHO device during intense fights.

Our Lottie Lynn, who plays PlayStation 4, had a strange problem where a menu screen was displaying a replacement text that seemed to be cooling down.


On PC, players also experience fps problems, with a frequent complaint. In a tweet, Gearbox said he was aware and was looking at the situation.

In light of the launch of the PC Borderlands 3 as an exclusive timed on the Epic Games store, which has no forum, players are turning to other places to ask for help – and troll.

The Borderlands 2 Steam Forum is currently under discussion for Borderlands 3.

Gearbox's own forum contains a section for Borderlands 3, which contains many troubleshooting threads from players asking for help. But it's the Borderlands 2 Steam page where most of the discussions take place – and all is neither useful nor wanted, it seems.

Of course, it's not surprising to see players at an Epic Games store timed exclusively on its predecessor's Steam page for help and even hanging out. This has already happened with the previous Epic Games exclusives and there is no doubt that this will happen again. But considering the stormy launch of Borderlands 3, the problem is exacerbated – and given Steam's huge online footprint, those using Google to solve Borderlands 3 issues will likely be sent back to Steam.

Among the Borderlands 3 troubleshooting discussions, the players are discussions launched by Borderlands 2 players who complain about the sudden influx of Borderlands 3 related discussions. A user has called for a Borderlands 3 Steam sub-forum. "for the poor [sic] People who are not bothered by the use of the Gearbox forum can lament and support each other without completely surpassing BL2's content. "

Gearbox will likely be working on a number of updates and fixes to address these launch issues. Until they are released, Steam can help you or not.


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