Trump confirms death of Osama Bin Laden's son


President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden campaign: Castro "cheats the facts": McCabe's lawyer asks a US attorney if the grand jury has decided not to accuse The Hill's 12:30 Report: Views and sounds of Houston debate MORE Saturday confirmed the death of Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama Bin Laden, who became a prominent member of al-Qaeda.

Trump said in a statement released by the White House that bin Laden was killed in an anti-terrorist operation near the Afghan-Pakistan border, but did not provide a specific date.

"The loss of Hamza bin Laden deprives Al-Qa'ida not only of important leadership skills and the symbolic link with his father, but also undermines the group's important operational activities. Hamza bin Laden was responsible for planning and handling various terrorist groups, "said Trump in his statement.


Earlier this summer, reports came out that bin Laden's son had died. He made a public statement in 2018.

Secretary of Defense Mark EsperMark EsperThe Hill & # 39; s 12:30 Report: Views of the Houston Debate. The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – The third debate remains uninterrupted, the highest level remaining unchanged: night energy: the Trump administration repeals the protections of waterways | Chamber votes to block drilling in Arctic refuge | The administration is taking a decisive step to open the Alaskan hut for drilling by the end of the year. MORE He seemed to confirm the death at the end of August, saying in an interview with Fox News that he "understood" that Bin Laden was dead.

"I do not have the details about it, and if I did, I could not say how much I could share with you," he added to the question of whether the United States United had played a role in his death.


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