Predictions WWE Clash of Champions 2019


WWE returns to pay-per-view (if your cable company organizes the event, of course) tomorrow night (Sunday, September 15, 2019) live from the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, with its Shock of the champions event starting at 6:00 pm ET with the Kickoff show leading directly to the main course at 7:00 pm ET on the WWE network.

Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman have signed a double duty in the World Team and Raw team matches, Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton for the WWE title, and more!

Fortunately for you, Cagesiders, our team of hard-fought letter writers is here to help you understand how the event will be played out with the predictions for each card match.

Let's go.

Predictions Clash of Champions

Seth Rollins vs. Braun Strowman

Geno Mrosko: Surprise! Braun Strowman is totally putting the title Universal here so he can quarrel with THE FIEND inside HELL IN A CELL. It's very scary. Choose: Braun Strowman

Sean Rueter: Yowie wowie! Bray Wyatt's terrifying alter ego defies the party, creating a triple threat on October 6, or an untitled battle between Braun and his mentor. You do not know how that will turn out regarding the name of the winner in the record books, but I think it's the one who goes with the belt. Choose: Seth Rollins

Kyle Decker: Braun Strowman is here to do two things: chew gum and not win the universal title. And he does not have a bubblegum anymore. Choose: Seth Rollins

Claire Elizabeth: They would not change anything that is apparently a match / face … would they do it? And if someone turns, it has to be Rollins, right? So, protecting me against my bets, either a clean and sporty win, or a QD win when he gets on his feet to save his title, but in either case, it's … Choices: Seth Rollins

Cain A. KnightI do not see the point of putting Rollins on Lesnar for the title last month, just to pass the strap to Strowman immediately. If that was the plan, then they would have just booked Braun as the guy to stop Brock at SummerSlam. But they did not do it because Seth is the first star, not Braun. Choose: Seth Rollins

Stella CheesPoor Braun Strowman He finally reinstated the title photo before losing to Mr. Cool himself. Honestly, if they wanted Braun to be a champion, he should have won it from Brock. Yet we are there. Choose: Seth Rollins

Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton

Geno Mrosko: Every passing Kofi match does not make me lose the title surprises me. I do not think the time has come for the moment. Choice: Kofi Kingston

Sean Rueter: In the great tradition of Orton feuds that last forever, this one does not end until Hell in a Cell (at the earliest), and they really can not make another decision. It's time for the Viper to tie Triple H to the WWE World Title. Choose: Randy Orton

Kyle Decker: This is a strange case, because they really need to postpone this match one more month to get them back in Hell in a Cell. So are they going with another non-finish? Probably not. I say Orton wins (maybe Kofi will win the title in a month or maybe Kofi retains the title) and they will do it again in October. Choose: Randy Orton

Claire Elizabeth: Please, do not screw it up please do not do it do not do it please … Choose: Kofi Kingston

Cain A. Knight: This match will probably determine who the WWE Champion is preparing for at the start of the contract with Fox TV. And if the Fox Network could create a sports entertainment champion from scratch, it would probably look like Randy Orton. Choose: Randy Orton

Stella Chees: Why did it have to be Randy? Choose: Randy Orton

Becky Lynch against Sasha Banks

Geno Mrosko: There's a real potential for title change here, but I'm going to assume they're going on the safest road and trying to protect both of them with some sort of no-go. Choice: Becky Lynch

Sean Rueter: WWE must put its money where it is and make this event a major event. And they should end the night with The Two Woman Power Trip standing up. Choose: Sasha Banks

Kyle Decker: The change here seems to be the right decision. Becky is as good with the title as she is without it and that would strengthen Sasha and her duet with Bayley. Choose: Sasha Banks

Claire Elizabeth: You can not give the big return to Sasha just to remove the carpet, can you? (check the notes) You can, you can. I see. Anyway, yeah yeah, she took her ball and went home, but hot and hot irons, you know. Choose: Sasha Banks

Cain A. Knight: They should avoid any temptation for a shady finish and put the title on Banks. Then book revenge in Hell in a Cell as the main event. Choose: Sasha Banks

Stella Chees: I love The Man and she was a great champ all the while (ahem Lacey Evans), but if anyone needs to pull off her good god, let it be The Boss. If Sasha loses, they will have officially ruined his return, just as they have ruined all his titles. Plus, you know Becky does not lose and brings her bag home. She will stay and fight. We had a good long-term quarrel in the women's division. Choose: Sasha Banks

Bayley vs Charlotte Flair

Geno Mrosko: It's Charlotte Flair, guys, she probably wins. Choice: Charlotte Flair

Sean Rueter: See above, probably with help from The Boss. Choose: Bayley

Kyle Decker: With Bayley and Sasha as a new heel duo, there is no reason for one of them to leave the Clash of Champions without gold. Betting against Charlotte is always difficult, but I say they will not spoil Bayley's heel so quickly and she will hold back. (Again, they are no better than screwing up the Bayley reservation …) Choice: Bayley

Claire Elizabeth: I do not bet against Charlotte Flair. Choice: Charlotte Flair

Cain A. KnightWhen this match was announced, I thought Bayley had no chance of retaining his title because LolCharloteWins. A heel round and a defeat against Flair later, and now my vision of this match has completely changed. Choose: Bayley

Stella Chees: Just like Sasha, if Bayley loses, it will completely hurt, which makes it useless and boring. In the imaginary reserve in my head, Bayley wins and Sasha wins, then Bayley turns on Sasha. Give us Bayley against all the riders! That's what I call redemption! Choose: Bayley

Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler

Geno Mrosko: Everything is set up so that the heels take the titles to better prepare the match for the universal title later in the series. For this reason, I will go with the drift. Choose: Rollins & Strowman

Sean Rueter: If you thought that there was a tension between the team champions leading to their match for the universal title, wait to see how much tension there is between these champions AFTER their match for the universal title! Choice: Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman

Kyle Decker: Although I think it would be interesting to keep Seth and Braun as champions during all the fallout of the title, WWE is usually quick to move forward with pairs like this one. Roode and Ziggler would be the beneficiaries. Choice: Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler

Claire Elizabeth: Make the change here to get the turn in the title match, easy peasy. Unless there is no trick. In this case not so much. But I've already dreamed about it, so I bet on a lap, so … put the belt on the TEW team. Choice: Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode

Cain A. Knight: The match for the universal title would be more interesting if things did not go well here for Seth and Braun. I suppose? Choice: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler

Stella Chees: This victory is only valid if the mustache comes back. #BringBackTheStache Au Choix: Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode

The new day against the alarm clock

Geno Mrosko: It's always the new day, is not it? Choose: New Day

Sean Rueter: The WWE is trying to convince Dash & Dawson to stay with quantity instead of quality when it comes to making his title prevail. Choice: the alarm clock

Kyle Decker: I see that tomorrow goes in the direction of FTRKO and that Revival win the belt would be part of it. Choice: the alarm clock

Claire Elizabeth: It's going to take a lot more than breaking Xavier Woods' leg to convince me that the Revival is about to hit New Day with titles in play. Choice: New Day (Big E & Xavier Woods)

Cain A. Knight: I firmly believe that Big E can win this game alone. Choose: New Day

Stella CheesBig E and Xavier were injured by The Revival and Randy. Unfortunately, I do not think it will be the end of Sunday. New Day loses all the gold and the angels wept. Choice: the alarm clock

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross & Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville

Geno Mrosko: I continue to wait for this story of Alexa-Nikki to go where she was originally and it does not happen. That said, Mandy Rose is clearly in the plans for something more and they must get there eventually. Choice: Rose & Deville

Sean Rueter: We will probably do it again in a few weeks, whatever the result. So I will be part of the most interesting team (in a bizarre division / poorly reserved, I remain fascinated by the relationship between the champions). Choice: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

Kyle Decker: Alexa and Nikki will keep these titles until they are ready to fight themselves and it does not seem to them that we are almost as close to that. Choice: Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss

Claire Elizabeth: Ehhhh, honestly, I really expect Bliss and Cross to be preserved, but I really want Sonya to get something she can nibble at, relatively. Are the tags titles? Probably not, but I'm trying my luck. Choice: Fire and Desire (Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville)

Cain A. Knight: Bliss and Cross have already beaten the entire women's division, so it will soon be time to change. This change will take the form of Bayley and Banks, not Fire & Desire. Choice: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

Stella Chees: If Alexa Bliss loses, women's belts disappear in the dark. In the interest of actually wanting to see the women's team fight, I hope that Alexa and Nikki will be faithful. Also Mandy called Nikki ugly and I hope Nikki eats his face Choice: Alexa & Nikki

AJ Styles against Cedric Alexander

Geno Mrosko: S? They really want to push Alexander big, it means winning a title. I do not see it. Choose: AJ Styles

Sean Rueter: The plans of the King of the Rings quarter (scream to Matt Morgan). Gallows & Anderson attack Ced (still) behind the scenes, he fights (still) valiantly and comes back short (again). Choose: AJ Styles

Kyle Decker: It looks like the formula where Cedric has a big game against AJ Styles but is just too short. Choose: AJ Styles

Claire Elizabeth: I believe in Cédric Alexander. Choice: Cedric Alexander

Cain A. Knight: It's a typical case of "if they have 15 minutes, they can steal the show, but they will not have 15 minutes." After being fired at Raw last week, Styles is a good bet to retain his league title. Choose: AJ Styles

Stella Chees: This is a stable heel that requires at least one belt at all times to stay relevant. Choose: AJ Styles

Shinsuke Nakamura against the Miz

Geno Mrosko: The Miz is right here to put Nakamura, and he will do a good job. Choice: Shinsuke Nakamura

Sean RueterIf their career so far has taught us anything, it's that nothing says what WWE will do when it comes to one of the three men involved in this match for the Intercontinental Title. Choice: the miz

Kyle Decker: Miz is clearly in this position to give a victory to this new duo consisting of Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn. Choice: Shinsuka Nakamura

Claire Elizabeth: Sami Zayn, shenanigans, Kinshasa. Choice: Shinsuke Nakamura

Cain A. Knight: I hope it 's an easy win for Nakamura before he' s going to attack someone more interesting, like Aleister Black. Choice: Shinsuke Nakamura

Stella Chees: If they do not let Sami have a microphone during the whole match, what are we doing here? Choice: Sami … I mean, Shinsuke Nakamura

Roman Reigns against Erick Rowan

Geno Mrosko: It's there that Daniel Bryan rushes and realigns himself with Rowan to face Reigns, right? Right. Choose: Erick Rowan

Sean Rueter: Who does Rowan think he is, Shane McMahon? Choice: Roman Reigns

Kyle Decker: This story is so weird. We will then learn that Roman made these things for himself, in the manner of Kevin Nash. I still think it leads to Bryan versus Roman so Reigns should win here. Choice: Roman Reigns

Claire Elizabeth: Will it govern? Bizarre. Totally here for the discreet brain Erick Rowan too. Just wear a Sodom shirt already, loose! Whatever it is, hooah, etc. Choose: Roman Reigns

Cain A. Knight: Haha, the WWE really wants me to take Rowan seriously as an opponent of Reigns. Go now, I would never choose a liar on the Big Dog. Choice: Roman Reigns

Stella Chees: It's definitely one of those LOLROMANWINS moments. I mean, the man was hit by an entire car. He should win. Choice: Roman Reigns

Drew Gulak vs. Humberto Carrillo vs. Lince Dorado

Geno Mrosko: Choice: Drew Gulak

Sean Rueter: Especially now that his lackey Tony is back, there's no way to change the title here. Choose: Drew Gulak

Kyle Decker: I will not stop choosing Drew Gulak. Choose: Drew Gulak

Claire Elizabeth: Even if I love Lince, I can not see him or Humberto get the win here. Choose: Drew Gulak

Cain A. Knight: How is it crazy that the Drew who receives the strongest reservation from WWE is actually Gulak? Choose: Drew Gulak

Stella Chees: In anticipation of the day when NXT will absorb 205. Choice: Drew Gulak

That's how we see the card play.



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