Tesla V10: first look at the update and new features


The Tes10 V10 software update begins to be transmitted to the owners in the advance access program and Electrek has obtained the descriptions and images.

We have a first look at release notes for the release of version 10 and all its features.

This is a massive update, let's start …

Tesla V10 Release Notes

Cuphead – Tesla Edition

If the Tesla V10 update has a theme, it's fun, which is why it is not surprising that, among all the features of the update, Tesla starts the release notes with Cuphead.

Tesla writes in the release notes:

"Cuphead is a classic action game based on cartoons from the 1930s, focused primarily on boss fights. For the Tesla edition of Cuphead, enjoy the first complete island of the game as Cuphead or Mugman (in solo mode or in local cooperation). Explore strange worlds, acquire new weapons, learn super powerful moves and discover hidden secrets while trying to pay off your debt to the Devil!

The manufacturer has recently added Xbox controller support for its Tesla Arcade games and you will probably want to use it for this game. You are going to want an Xbox controller with a USB cable for that. Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted in july the fact that it arrives in August, so mid-September means we arrive on time. He then tweeted that it was his favorite game

Here is the game in the new 'Tesla Arcade':

Tesla Theater

One of the most anticipated features of Tesla V10 is the ability to watch videos while the vehicle is parked.

It's officially in the new update and Tesla calls it "Tesla Theater".

Here is what the constructor says about the feature in the release notes:

"Tesla Theater allows you to watch movies and videos while your car is in PARK and connected to WiFi. To start Tesla Theater, tap the new 'Entertainment' icon in the Launcher and select the Theater tab. "

Tesla notes that for the advance access program, owners can use the feature on the cellular network provided with the car.

This is likely because it would significantly reduce the number of use cases and the mobile operator's bill will be reasonable. But that will not be to scale.

Elon Musk previously said that Tesla would start installing free Wi-Fi in its Supercharger stations so that owners could log in and use this feature, but we have not seen it often.

Here is a screenshot of the new "Tesla Theater":

<img data-attachment-id = "103400" data-permalink = "https://electrek.co/2019/09/15/tesla-v10-first-look-release-notes-features/tesla-v10-theater- netflix-youtube / "data-orig-file =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?quality=82&strip= all "data-orig-size =" 1972,854 "data-comments-opened =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"aperture": "0", "credit": "", "camera": " "" caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "," orientation ":" 0 "}" data-image-title = "Tesla V10 netflix Youtube theater" data-image-description = "" data-medium-file = "https://electrek.co/ wp-content / uploads / sites / 3/2019/09 / Tesla-V10-Acoustic-Netflix-Youtube.jpg? quality = 82 & strip = all & w = 300 "data-wide-file =" https://electrek.co/wp -content / uploads / sites / 3/2019/09 / Tesla-V10-Acoustic-Netflix-Youtube.jpg? quality = 82 & strip = all & w = 1000 "title =" Tesla V10: take a look at the notes of publication and the features of the release ur massive "class =" wp-image-103400 aligncenter jetpack-lazy-image "src =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/ 3/2019/09 / Tesla-V10-Acoustic-Netflix -Youtube.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = all "alt =" Tesla V10 Theater Netflix Youtube” width=”1000″ height=”433″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg 1972w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?resize=150,65 150w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?resize=300,130 300w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?resize=768,333 768w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?resize=1024,443 1024w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?resize=350,152 350w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?resize=1600,693 1600w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px” data-lazy-src=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-theater-Netflix-Youtube.jpg?quality=82&strip=all&is-pending-load=1″ srcset=”″/>


Still in the fun theme, the builder also adds 'Caraoke' to Tesla V10's features:

"Sing karaoke with your favorite songs and artists in your car. You can select 'Caraoke' from the Media menu. Tap the microphone icon to determine if the voice track is playing as you go. "

Tesla notes that even if you can read the tracks while driving, the function will only display the lyrics when the car is parked. It's a shame for family travel, but safety first and foremost.

Tesla V10 driving display

We have already seen some of these new visualizations being introduced in recent weeks, but here they are now officially in Tesla V10.

Tesla writes in the release notes:

"Driving visualization has been enhanced to display additional types of objects and lane lines around your car in multiple environments.

In addition, you can drag and pinch the driving display to temporarily adjust the viewing angles and zoom. After a short period of inactivity, the display will return to the default position. "

We have already obtained a quick demonstration of this new driving visualization with zoom in and rotation last month:

Automatic lane change

Tesla also made specific changes to the driving visualizations related to automatic lane change:

"The automatic lane change visualization has been enhanced to highlight the passage of your car in the adjacent lane. When automatic lane change is initiated, the adjacent lane is highlighted in blue and the destination of the target car is highlighted in white. "

We also reviewed this new feature last month with a Model 3 owner participating in the Early Access Program (Tesla Life of Deenchik, Twitter):

<img data-attachment-id = "103395" data-permalink = "https://electrek.co/2019/09/15/tesla-v10-first-look-release-notes-features/tesla-v10-lane- change / "data-orig-file =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg?quality=82&strip=all " data-orig-size = "477,341" data-comments-opened = "1" data-image-meta = "{" aperture ":" 0 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" " , "orientation": "0"} "data-image-title =" Tesla V10 Change of lane "data-image-description =" "data-medium-file =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/ uploads / sites / 3/2019/09 / Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg? quality = 82 & strip = all & w = 300 "data-wide-file =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads /sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg?quality=82&strip=all&w=477 "title =" Tesla V10: Take a look at the release notes and features of the massive update " class = "aligncenter wp-image-103395 jetpack-lazy-image" src = "https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/ 3/2019/09 / Tesla-V10-Change of lane – e1568554406846. jpg? quality = 82 & strip = all "alt =" Viewing the Tesla V10 lane change” width=”466″ height=”333″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg 477w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg?resize=150,107 150w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg?resize=300,214 300w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg?resize=350,250 350w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 466px) 100vw, 466px” data-lazy-src=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-Lane-change-e1568554406846.jpg?quality=82&strip=all&is-pending-load=1″ srcset=”″/>

Feeling lucky or hungry

A suggested feature on Twitter by an owner of Tesla and Elon Musk has decided to include it in the Tesla V10 software update.

Tesla writes about the feature in the release notes:

"Feeling lucky or hungry? Go on an adventure at a nearby attraction by selecting Navigate> Lucky or get directions to a local restaurant chosen by your Tesla by selecting Navigate> Hungry. We have also updated the location pop-up to include easy access to a website associated with the location, if any. "

These new options appear next to the usual 'Home' and 'Work' options when entering a new location in the navigation:

Tesla V10 card enhancements

These new lucky options are not the only improvements to navigation and maps in Tesla V10.

The automaker wrote in the release notes:

"We have improved maps to make it easier to find and navigate to your destination. When searching for a destination, the autocomplete search now includes the distance to each suggested place. In addition, you can now directly tap the labels on the map to quickly view associated location details and access that destination. "

This seems like a very simple feature to add, but it could be one of the most useful features of the Tesla V10 update.

Here is the new context menu when you tap a location:

Sentinel enhancements

Tesla's Sentry mode was one of the most remarkable features for Tesla in 2019 and the manufacturer is making some improvements to the V10:

"Sentry Model video clips are now saved in a separate folder on your USB drive for easy review and management. In addition, the old video clips of the Sentry model will now be automatically deleted if there is not enough space on the USB drive and if the Sentry mode clips use more than 5 gigabytes of audio. 39; space. "

These are simple but useful updates to Sentry mode, but keep in mind that Sentry mode is as good as your own setup.

I recommend that the Jeda Model 3 USB Hub be able to continue using the other connectors and hide your Sentry Mode drive. For the reader, I am now using a Samsung portable SSD, which you need to format, but it gives you a ton of capacity and it can be easily hidden in the Jeda hub.

Joe Mode

Another feature suggested by a Twitter owner is "Joe Mode" and I think that's what inspired his name.

Tesla writes in the release notes:

The activation of the Joe mode reduces the volume of the chimes on your Tesla. The quieter chimes continue to effectively alert the driver and minimize disruption to passengers (eg, Joe's children). To activate Joe mode, press Controls> Security> Joe Mode.

The Tesla owner who suggested the feature said that some of the chimes awoke his children.

He will be satisfied with the Tesla V10 software update.

Improvements to software updates

With version 10, Tesla also introduces updates to information about new software updates:

"The experience of the software update now has more style and grace. You will now know which version of the software update is being downloaded and installed. In addition, once the software update is launched, you can view the progress of the installation when the touch screen is activated. "

Tesla has made several changes to the way it releases updates in the past year to increase transparency.

Application launcher

As you can imagine, with all these new features of Tesla V10, the automaker had to update the application launcher:

"The Launcher application has been reorganized to facilitate the launch of the Phone application. We also replaced Tesla Arcade with Tesla Entertainment. "

Here is the new order:

<img data-attachment-id = "103398" data-permalink = "https://electrek.co/2019/09/15/tesla-v10-first-look-release-notes-features/tesla-v10-application- launcher / "data-orig-file =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?quality=82&strip=all "data- orig-size = "1556,164" data-comments-opened = "1" data-image-meta = "{" aperture ":" 0 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" " , "orientation": "0"} "data-image-title =" Tesla V10 application launcher "data-image-description =" "data-medium-file =" https://electrek.co/wp -content / uploads / sites / 3/2019/09 / Tesla-V10-app-launcher.jpg? quality = 82 & strip = all & w = 300 "data-wide-file =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/ uploads / sites / 3/2019/09 / Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg? quality = 82 & strip = all & w = 1000 "title =" Tesla V10: Let's look at the release notes and the features of the game first massive update "cla ss = "wp-image-103398 with a massive update. aligncenter jetpack-lazy-image "src =" https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?quality=82&strip=all "alt = "Tesla V10 application launcher” width=”1000″ height=”105″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg 1556w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?resize=150,16 150w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?resize=300,32 300w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?resize=768,81 768w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?resize=1024,108 1024w, https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?resize=350,37 350w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px” data-lazy-src=”https://electrek.co/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/Tesla-V10-application-launcher.jpg?quality=82&strip=all&is-pending-load=1″ srcset=”″/>

When you click on "Tesla Entertainment" you get Tesla Arcade and the new Tesla Theater.

This is a version of version 10 of the first version and things might change if the version is larger.

Other features have also been associated with Tesla V10, such as Smart Summon and music app upgrades.

We will try to bring you more information on some of these new features over the next few days. If you have more information, do not hesitate to contact me (info below).

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