A United auto workers strike at
General Motors
GM -0.35%
appeared at the dawn of its ninth day, in a work stoppage that resulted in temporary layoffs for thousands of workers at GM's facilities in the United States and Canada.
The strike is already the longest national interruption at GM since 1970. It has sent some 46,000 full-time workers to picket lines and has stopped work in more than 30 factories of the American manufacturer. The UAW insists on getting better pay for new employees, less interim staff and the preservation of existing health care plans, among other issues.
Trade union and business negotiators met Monday throughout the day. The talks are expected to continue on Tuesday as both sides work to resolve the main differences, according to people close to the negotiations.
As the strike continues for a second week, GM has laid off more than 1,200 engine plant employees in Ohio and Canada. These temporary layoffs add to the 2,000 workers at GM's assembly plant in Oshawa, Canada, who were sidelined because of last week's strike.
The arrival also touches a network of auto parts suppliers in the United States that produce components for the company's cars and trucks.
At least three companies around Lansing, Michigan, have closed factories that supply GM's two large assembly facilities nearby and temporarily laid off workers.
Todd Collins,
who represents many of the workers at these mills as the president of UAW Local 724. He found that the supplier laid off or partially laid off about three-quarters of the approximately 1,800 members of his local during the strike.
The tension escalated at the Tennessee picket this weekend, prompting GM to ask a judge to make a temporary restraining order to prevent striking workers from blocking the truck. access to the assembly plant and harass GM employees who were trying to enter. The judge granted the order.
The UAW said Monday night that she "was committed to conducting all strike-related activities safely and legally." And we will continue to work with the forces of order when the problems arise. "
The union blamed the automaker for stalling the job market.
"GM could put an end to this strike today by accepting a solid deal that will keep jobs in Michigan and the United States," the union said.
Write to Nora Naughton at [email protected]
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