California Governor Jerry Brown
revealed Monday a new project that could also serve as a jab to President Trump on two separate fronts: a joint institute with China dedicated to the fight against climate change.
Mr. Brown, who left the governor's office in January, said he was creating the California-China Climate Institute at the University of California at Berkeley, in partnership with the Chief Negotiator. of China during the Paris Agreement.
Xie Zhenhua.
The institute will encourage joint research and training between scientists from China and the United States and could help push both countries to adopt lower greenhouse gas emissions, Brown said in an interview.
"California can keep the spotlight on what needs to be done; working in partnership with China makes it more powerful, "said Brown. "I consider this institute to be an important catalyst in the general debate on climate change."
President Trump is at the heart of a trade war with China and has opposed most California-backed policies to combat climate change, including US participation in the fight against climate change. Paris agreement on climate.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The California-China Climate Institute will seek to advance research in areas ranging from zero-emission vehicles to agricultural technologies that emit less greenhouse gases.
The creation of the new institute comes as world leaders meet this week at the United Nations General Assembly in an effort to give the necessary impetus to achieving the goals of the Paris agreement of 2015, which aims to limit the increase in global temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6). degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
As governor, Brown urged other states to enforce their own climate norms after Trump promised in 2017 to pull the US out of the Paris deal. It has also concluded several sub-national climate agreements with various state leaders around the world to reduce emissions.
California has maintained its challenge role to federal climate policies since Brown's departure from governorship. Last week, state officials announced that they would sue the Trump administration if it took California's power to set its own standards for vehicle exhaust gas emissions, reinforcing the conflict that was blocking car manufacturers.
Monday, the successor of Mr. Brown,
Governor Gavin Newsom,
a democrat delivered the opening address at the Climate Week NYC, an event held in conjunction with the US rally. In his speech to the Trump administration, Newsom said that California would continue its efforts to put in place a policy to combat climate change caused by humans. "We are not passersby. We have an agency and we can shape this debate. Like all of us, we can shape the future, "he said.
Write to Alejandro Lazo at [email protected]
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