Final summary of the Big Brother season 21: Jackson Michie wins the BB21


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For BB fans, Big Brother 21 was a bit of a scratcher head. Doubtful and offensive moments of live to the first four guests of the house who are people of color, the season is full of drama – not nice.

Still, it seems that the season has started to turn at times: Nicole Anthony and Cliff Hogg – the season's underdogs from the start – have survived the block several times and have qualified until the final. There, they had to face their last four partners of the pact, Jackson Michie and Holly Allen. In the Sunday night episode, Michie won the final veto and chose her star, Holly, to accompany her, along with HOH Nicole, in the final. So, with Cliff, could Nicole win an epic win and finish season 21? Good…

…Unfortunately no.

In Wednesday's final, Holly and Nicole clashed in composition 2: Foggy Memory. They had to place a number representing the day in the house with 12 memories on a wall of cerebral climbing. The one who correctly matched the numbers in the fastest time won. It was mostly a memory composition with a little bit of athleticism. Nicole is – certainly – a smart girl, not a sporty girl. Holly was worried for the memory, but that did not seem to stop him. She beat Nicole by four minutes.

After the contest, Nicole did her best to convince Holly to take her to the final two if she won the third competition. Holly seemed to think about it, but it became a topic of discussion.

The showmance was held in a final composition: The Jury Is Out. They had to prove how well they knew their fellow guests (and remembered the summer) by choosing a false statement out of three made by each member of the jury. Holly missed just one question, but it was all that was needed. She lost to Jackson, who became the last HOH and chose – not surprisingly – to expel Nicole.

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During the examination of the jury, the former guests at the house did not interfere with Michie: Cliff began by asking if the management of the jury was important for his game (because the jury did not feel particularly well managed). And then Tommy went straight to the chinstrap: "Some of the women on the jury felt that you had been degrading and that you had been condescending towards them.We agree that you played a great match, but we are not sure to reward this type of behavior. " Thrown a little off guard, Michie noted that his behavior was an intense person.

They went a little easier on Holly. Christie asked about her play strategy in the house, which allowed Holly to talk about how she deliberately flew under the radar. Sis asked Holly if she was playing Michie 's game instead of hers, but Holly said that she had "sometimes managed it.

In her last speech, Holly explained that the jury had to vote for the "front-line soldier or sniper".

Before voting on the jury, Julie took the time to address some of the burning issues that the show has dodged all season. She began by talking to Gr8ful, silencing Nicole from the HOH room. Then she asked Kemi how it was to watch the return season. Kemi said that much of what she had seen was unforgivable. Jack said his words came from a place of ignorance and he apologized to Kemi for what he had said. Christie, for one, said that she did not know exactly what she had said, but she would call Kemi after she apologized. And Jackson spoke from inside the house to say that he did not know what had been said – but he still wanted to apologize. Then Julie put Jackson in the place for putting David, Jessica, Cliff and Kemi in the first week. He was completely shocked by the implication that this was motivated by racism.

And that's all we had – they had to move on to Nick-Bella-Kat's drama. On the one hand, it's nice to see that the show finally addresses what happened this season. On the other hand, it is a bit too little and too late. Let's do better next year, BB producers, yeah?

Whatever the case may be, the votes arrived: Holly got three votes (from Jessica, Nicole and Kat) and Michie became the winner of Big Brother Season 21. live on national television. But he finally got his confetti.

And we voted correctly, America: Nicole is the favorite of the American family with more than a million votes. Now, let's all start using that energy for Tiffany Haddish to join Celebrity Big Brother Season 3 this winter so we can put this shabby season behind us.

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation.)

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAAAICTAEAOw bb21-news.jpg | https: // jpg | https: // tvguide i / 2019/09/26 / 6e216dbe-a97a-41aa-aa2f-d50a3401701f / bb21-news.jpg "class =" article-attached-image-img b-lazy "alt =" Jackson Michie , Julie Moonves Chen, Holly Allen Nicole Anthony Big Brother 21"width =" 2070 "height =" 1380 "title =" Jackson Michie, Julie Chen Moonves, Allen Holly, Nicole Anthony, Big Brother 21 "" data-amp-src = " / 2019/09/26 / 6e216dbe-a97a-41aa-aa2f-d50a3401701f / bb21-news.jpg "/>Jackson Michie, Julie Moonves, Holly Allen, Nicole Anthony, Big Brother 21


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