Apple says WordPress doesn’t have to add in-app purchases


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It turns out that WordPress doesn’t need to add in-app purchases to its iOS app.

“We believe the issue with the WordPress app has been resolved,” Apple said in a statement on Saturday. “Since the developer removed the display of their service payment options from the app, it is now a free stand-alone app and does not have to offer in-app purchases. informed the developer and we apologize for any confusion we have caused. “

Apple said the WordPress app originally had a section on payment plans, but didn’t offer in-app payments, breaking App Store rules that all developers must follow. Apple receives a 30% commission on payments through the app.

Apple’s remarks come after founding WordPress developer Matt Mullenweg tweeted on Friday that Apple would cut open source software application updates and bug fixes unless it commits to supporting in-app purchases for WordPress payment plans.

Mullenweg said that WordPress, the open source website builder used by around 38% of internet users, agreed to a license when registering and staying in the App Store. “Open source is based on licensing and copyright,” he tweeted. “I firmly believe in the sanctity of licensing.”

WordPress had agreed to add in-app purchase support within the next 30 days, Mullenweg told CNET in an emailed statement Friday, and was authorized by Apple to update again.

The Verge reported the WordPress news earlier.

Mullenweg also tweeted a warning to applications that have functionality similar to WordPress on ios that don’t offer in-app purchases.

“I guess they will be getting similar comments soon. So I encourage them to start doing [in-app purchase] plans, ”Mullenweg said on Friday evening.


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