Progressives sharpen knives for Dem ‘bloodbath if Biden loses


Progressives, Socialists and Bernie Bros are preparing for war if Joe Biden fails in his quest to topple President Trump in Tuesday’s election.

“You would see a complete repudiation of the Democratic establishment as we know it,” said Jabari Brisport, 33, a Socialist-backed Democratic Senate candidate who is expected to easily win a seat in Brooklyn next week. “The Democratic establishment does not work for ordinary people.”

Brisport said a loss of Biden would completely discredit the moderate wing of the party, paving the way for more successful insurgents like him.

“It will be a reflection of what happened to the Republican Party in the Obama years. You had the taste, just like the progressive insurgents, and then when Obama won a second term the Republican Party went haywire on the inside and ate his, ”he said.

Unlike the tea party, a progressive revolution would be “a force for good,” said true believer Brisport.

A senior official on a Democratic Political Action Committee was more brutal.

“If Biden loses, it will be a bloodbath. There’s no other way to say it, ”he says. “Heads are going to fall. It’s going to be ugly.

Sen.  Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezMike Segar / Reuters

Progressives hope any internal conflict would also strengthen the hand of some of their brightest stars in Congress, like Reps Pramila Jayapal and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Senator Chuck Schumer is due for re-election in 2022 and it has been a long time since Ocasio-Cortez could seek to oust him in a primary. Schumer, a New York moderate with close ties to Wall Street, is the kind of pol that makes AOC’s left base salivate.

“Because of how badly they did with the impeachment hoax, AOC will win over Cryin ‘Chuck Schumer, and win,” Trump predicted in February.

AOC itself has been very timid about this prospect. When asked point blank if she had any drawings on Schumer’s seat, the first-year MP replied, “I don’t know.

Biden was among the progressives’ least favorite candidates in the 2016 primaries, with many openly denigrating him as a has-been with dementia.

After Bernie Sanders claimed victory in the first primaries this time around, Biden managed to shore up establishment voters for Super Tuesday and beyond after rivals like Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar pulled out withdrawn from the race. Lefties, who still feel deceived by Sanders’ close loss to Hillary Clinton in 2016, remain bitter and have largely fallen behind Biden for practical reasons.

If he blows it, the conflict will not only be internal. On the activist front, insiders say the United States can expect months of unrest if Trump is re-elected.

“You talk about people in the street who refuse to leave. I am not talking about looting and riots. I’m talking about everyday people taking to the streets to protest, like full people on the streets for months on end, ”Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Greater New York, told the Post.

Across the country, gun store owners have reported that Liberals are arming themselves – many for the first time.

Senator Chuck Schumer
Senator Chuck SchumerJacquelyn Martin / AP

A senior Democratic congressional official – who currently believes the race is tilting towards Trump – scoffed at the big speech, saying the Post progressives would eventually line up with the candidate Democrats choose in 2024.

“The idea that they will go stronger is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can get and we continue to have Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, ”the insider said. “I have no doubt that there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is that the shrapnel never hits anyone.


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