Maryland GOP Governor Says He Hopes Trump ‘Will Do The Right Thing In The End’ And Concede The Election


Hogan, who openly criticized the president and wrote in Ronald Reagan when he voted for the president last month, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that Trump “should at least admit he” would concede, even if that may take a few more days for the fresher buds to prevail and convince him that this is the right thing for the nation to do. ”

“The way our system works is that we all vote, we count the votes, and then we live with the results,” Hogan said of “State of the Union”.

CNN projected on Saturday that Biden would be the 46th President of the United States after projecting that the Democrat won Pennsylvania and won more than the 270 electoral votes needed to win the race. The president tweeted unsubstantiated allegations of count fraud without evidence and continued to push his lawyers to file lawsuits that would delay formal certification of the results.
The president has publicly and incorrectly said he won the election, but sources told CNN that Trump is not denying the result privately. And two people told CNN on Saturday that Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser who oversaw his White House campaign, approached Trump to give in.

First Lady Melania Trump is informing the president that now is the time for him to accept the loss, another source familiar with the conversations told CNN on Sunday.

Hogan told Tapper on Sunday that he had “seen no evidence” of the election fraud alleged by the president.

“Listen, if there is any evidence of widespread electoral fraud, we should get out of it,” he said. “A couple of Republican governors are responsible for a few states that are still in question. They have not questioned the results.”

He continued, “I think there are legal processes if you think there are mistakes, but I don’t think we will see anything that will overthrow the election. Whether you like it or not. , it’s time to get behind the winner. of the race. “

Hogan was one of the first prominent Republicans to acknowledge the former vice president’s victory on Twitter, writing Saturday that “everyone should want our president to succeed because we need our country to be successful. We have great challenges ahead of us as a country.”

“More than ever,” Hogan wrote, “we must come together as Americans”.

CNN’s Kate Bennett and Kaitlin Collins contributed to this report.


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