‘SNL’ shows Biden and Harris’ victory speeches and Trump’s’ concession ‘speech after election


Maya Rudolph wearing a suit and tie

© NBC / Broadway Video

In his first show since Joe Biden was cast as the winner of the 2020 election, “Saturday Night Live” debuted with Jim Carrey’s Biden and Maya Rudolph’s Kamala Harris sharing their victory speeches.

“Thank you very much, America! We did it!” Carrey president-elect said, opening the NBC variety show. “Can you believe it? Honestly, I can’t. It’s been so long since something good happened.”

Carrey’s Biden said it may have taken forever, but now he “never felt so alive.”

“Which is ironic since I am not this alive, ”he says.

Carrey’s Biden has also said he will be the president of all Americans.

“Whether you’re from a liberal state like California, or a conservative state like Oklahoma, or a hot mess like Florida,” he said.

Then Carrey’s new president-elect got his roommate to speak.

“To all the little black and brunette girls watching right now, I just want to say this – the reason your mom is laughing so much tonight is because she’s drunk,” said Rudolph’s Harris. “And the reason she’s crying is because she’s drunk. Your mom is going to go from laughing to crying to dancing pretty much all night long.”

But “SNL” didn’t just show off Biden and Harris’ victory speeches, it also spoke to Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump about the president’s “concession” speech, or lack thereof.

“Thank you for coming to my victory speech tonight,” said Baldwin President Trump. “As anyone who died mid-Tuesday knows, I was re-elected President of the United States.”

Baldwin’s Trump then said the election was stolen from him.

“Let’s hear him. Stop the count! Stop the count!” Shouted Trump from Baldwin before being told he was not leading in the race. “What is it? I’m late. Count all the votes!”

He then vowed to fight the election results to the end.

“This is not a farewell, America,” he said. “See you in court!”

Finally, the sketch returned to Carrey’s Biden and Rudolph’s Harris, who said unlike President Trump, they accept the results of this election.

“We have to act gracefully in victory,” Carrey’s Biden said. “We have to move forward together. Unfortunately, there are situations in life, and this is one of them, where there has to be a winner and …”

Carrey’s Biden stopped.

“A looooooooooser,” Biden said of Carrey, in the voice of classic Carrey character Ace Ventura.

Then Biden’s Carrey, Rudolph’s Harris and Baldwin’s Trump opened the show with the show’s tagline, “Live … From New York! It’s Saturday Night!”


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