Stephen Colbert absolutely loses him to Mike Pompeo’s claims Trump won election


Tuesday evening, Stephen Colbert lost it.

Sitting next to a bottle of champagne, The late show The host began his monologue by saying, “Oh, what a strange and disturbing world some people would like it to be. Yesterday I was pouring champagne to toast the administration, and today ”- before smashing the bottle, lifting its broken end and screaming -“ I’ll cut you if you get close to me, because it there is some crazy shit out there! ”

Colbert was angry with Trump’s “baseless accusations of non-existent fraud” in the 2020 presidential election, as well as his instructions to his staff to block all cooperation with President-elect Biden’s transition team.

On top of that, Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, other Republican politicians and Trump’s bootlickers on Fox News all echo the President’s dangerous and entirely baseless claims according to which the election results are illegitimate. the Washington post quoted senior Republican officials as saying, “What’s the downside to humiliating him for this little while?” No one seriously thinks the results will change. ”

“Should our whole political system be arranged to alleviate the hurt feelings of the one who lost?” Colbert asked, before responding to Pompeo’s statement that “there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.” (Pompeo repeated statement later today to Bret Baier of Fox News.)


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