Pueblo mayor warns more people will die from COVID-19 and more businesses will close if residents do not act immediately


PUEBLO, Colo. (KKTV) – The mayor of Pueblo is warning more people will die from COVID-19 and more businesses will close if the community does not act immediately.

The announcement came hours after the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment (PDPHE) warned the state could move Pueblo County to a “safer level” by Friday.

“Cases are increasing rapidly in Pueblo and across the state, leading many counties to move to more restrictive levels,” said Randy Evetts, director of public health, PDPHE. “There are a lot of COVID positive people in the community, many of whom are asymptomatic. Ultimately, individual behaviors are the only way to turn the tide before things get critical. Avoid gatherings both inside and outside the home, wear a face mask around non-household contacts, stay home when you are sick, and wash your hands frequently. Doing these things consistently makes all the difference. “

On Tuesday, the two-week average positivity rate for people tested for COVID-19 in Pueblo County was 10%, nearly double the percentage of people who tested positive compared to October 27. Click here for the latest information on COVID-19 from the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment.

The mayor of Pueblo has implemented a curfew on October 29 from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. every day until November 13. He can now extend that curfew as cases continue to rise.

The mayor’s office issued a statement to the public on Tuesday evening, including recommendations from Mayor Nick Gradisar:

“We got to the situation where the state could move Pueblo to the orange level or Stay-At-Home: the red level. The exponential increase in cases has put our hospital capacity at extreme risk leaving us with few good options.

“Pueblo is now taking the brunt of that third peak in Colorado and it’s hurting businesses and killing Puebloans. But we have a choice tonight, if the Pueblo act now to limit social interactions, we can limit the pain to weeks, not months. If we don’t act immediately, more businesses will close, more Puebloans will die, and our community will suffer all winter.

“From this evening, and for the month of November, I advise the Puebloans:

  • Get to work, do your shopping or have dinner, then come home.
  • The Pueblo offices are expected to transition to 25% telecommuting status immediately.
  • Companies must redouble their efforts to ensure the safety of employees and the disinfection of workplaces.
  • Cancel your Thanksgiving gatherings or choose to have a virtual one.
  • Limit gatherings to 10 people or less and one additional household.
  • Wear a mask whenever you leave your home, especially around older Puebloans.

“I will decide to extend the curfew over the next few days.

“We have a lot of work to do to get this under control; tonight, I ask the Puebloans to stand up to take up this challenge.

For more information on the state’s “COVID numbering” and county status, click here.

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