McSally concedes Arizona Senate race


Arizona Sen. Martha mcsallyMartha Elizabeth McSally Five takeaways from Senate battle Susan Collins: ‘We all have to respect election result’ Democrats frustrated and GOP jubilant in Senate fight MORE (R) conceded his race to the elected senator Mark KellyMark KellyRick Scott Calls on His Key Assistants to Lead Senate Campaign Committee, House-Approved Democrats’ Election Night Fight Error in Arizona: 86% of the vote, not 98% MORE (D) more than a week after polling day.

“With almost all the votes counted, I called Mark Kelly this morning to congratulate him on winning this race. I also offered her support in her transition to ensure Arizonans are better served during this time. I wish him good luck, ”McSally said in a statement Friday.

“It has been an absolute honor to fight for and serve Arizona in the United States Senate, especially in these unprecedented times,” she added. “I will always be inspired by the strength, resilience, innovation and compassion I have witnessed from Arizonans as I travel through our great state. I will never forget what I learned from all of you.

McSally, a former House member and the first woman to fly in combat, thanked her supporters and aides and did not say what her plans were once she left office.

“While failing, I am deeply honored to have received the second highest number of votes ever cast by Arizonans for a statewide race. I am grateful to the over 1.6 million Arizonans who voted for me and to all who dedicated their time, resources and prayers to our campaign. Like almost everything in my life, it was a high risk and very specific fight, ”she said.

“After fighting for our country for more than three decades – the last nine [years] in the political arena – I am confident that God will lead me on my next mission to make a difference after a little rest.

McSally first ran for the Senate in 2018 to fill the post left vacant by the senator’s retirement. Jeff FlakeJeffrey (Jeff) Lane Flake The Hill’s Morning Report – ObamaCare in the foreground; Transition deadlock continues Republicans who could serve in government CNN’s Biden Dana Bash: loss of Trump in Arizona would be ‘John McCain’s last laugh’ MORE (R). She lost that race against now-Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D), but was later appointed to the post left vacant by Sen’s death. John mccainJohn Sidney McCainObama Memoir: Palin VP Pick Took GOP To McCain ‘Hated’ Republicans Who Could Serve In A Biden Government Cindy McCain On Biden Win: ‘I Think My Husband Would Be Very Happy’ MORE (R). Last week’s race was about who will serve the remainder of McCain’s term, which ends in 2022.

She lost more than 2 points to Kelly, a gun control activist and former astronaut.

McSally ranked Democrats last week after refusing to concede even after his run was called by multiple media outlets in Kelly’s favor, reflecting President TrumpDonald John Trump Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: a report from the Ivy League cancels winter sports amid U.S. COVID-19 PLUS pandemic surgethe refusal to accept his loss in the presidential race.


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