Tuberville mistakenly says Gore was president-elect in 2000


Republican-elect Tommy Tuberville of Alabama on Thursday in his first major interview since election day incorrectly said the former vice president Al goreAlbert (Al) Arnold GoreBiden Chooses White House Chief Who ‘Fits Right Now’ Morning Report on the Hill – Pandemic Worsens; Biden chooses Klain as chief of staff On The Money: Biden wins US economic engines | Progressives Praise Biden’s Choices For Economic Transition Team | Restaurants go seasonal with winter closures during pandemic READ MORE was president-elect for 30 days and also misidentified the three branches of the federal government.

Talking to The Daily News from Alabama, the former Auburn football coach who overthrew Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) Said last week he believed “it’s still in the air who’s going to be the president,” adding that the media should have waited to declare a winner in the middle President TrumpDonald John Trump Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: a report from the Ivy League cancels winter sports amid U.S. COVID-19 PLUS pandemic surgeUnfounded allegations of widespread electoral fraud in several battlefield states.

“The media have to give up on all of this because they are creating so much havoc,” Tuberville said.

He then added: “I remember in 2000 Al Gore was President of the United States, President-elect, for 30 days – 30 days – and after 30 days he came to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court was said, no, George Bush is going to be the president.

Gore was not cast as the winner of the 2000 presidential election by major networks, although several networks mistakenly and prematurely declared him as the winner of Florida, the state that ended up being decisive in this election.

The networks must then withdraw these projections, and several networks then prematurely declared the Republican George W. Bush as elected president, before also withdrawing this projection.

At another point in the interview, Tuberville also incorrectly stated that the three branches of the federal government are “the House, the Senate and the executive”.

As stated in the Constitution, the three branches of government are the legislature, which includes both the House and the Senate; the executive, made up of the presidency, cabinet and executive departments; and judicial, which includes the Supreme Court.

While discussing his concerns that a Biden presidency could lead to “a socialist type of government,” Tuberville said that “my father fought 76 years ago in Europe to liberate Europe from socialism.”

World War II was a fight against fascism in Europe. The fascist regime of Adolf Hitler strongly opposed state ownership of capital and the egalitarian ideals of socialism, and also ordered the execution of those who supported socialism and communism.

The United States was allied during World War II with the Soviet Union, although the Soviets initially agreed to a non-aggression pact with Hitler.

Tuberville also said in Thursday’s interview that he planned to use his Senate office to raise funds for the two Republican senators from Georgia who face the run-off election. The use of official government resources for campaigning is strictly prohibited by Senate ethics rules.

The political newcomer has gained ground this electoral cycle by allying with Trump, and claimed in 2019 that “God sent us Donald Trump.”

Tuberville defeated Jones, who won the seat three years ago in a special election to complete the term of then-GOP senator. Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsTuberville destroys Jones, Alabama.(Ala.) Term after the longtime lawmaker stepped down to become President Trumpfirst attorney general.


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