Oregon Governor Warns Coronavirus ‘Freeze’ Violators Could Face Jail, Heavy Fines


Those who violate Oregon Gov. Kate brownKate Brown Overnight Health Care: States Reimpose Extensive COVID-19 Restrictions Oregon Governor Orders Two-Week Statewide ‘Freeze’ Amid Rising Coronavirus Cases States reimpose sweeping COVID-19 PLUS restrictionsThe two-week statewide (D) “freeze” issued over the weekend to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 could face jail time or a hefty fine.

According to The Oregonian, violations of the New Order, which prohibits indoor and outdoor gatherings of more than six people from two separate households, constitute offenses.

Those who violate the restrictions could be fined $ 1,250 and / or placed behind bars for up to one month. Residents of Oregon were sentenced to similar penalties for violating the governor’s stay at home order in March, the newspaper notes.

A spokesperson for the governor told the outlet that the Oregon State Police “will work with local law enforcement to enforce the governor’s orders, in the same way that local police officers respond. to noise complaints for loud parties, for example, and issue quotes. “

“For the past eight months I have been asking Oregonians to follow the letter and the spirit of the law and we have not chosen to call in the police. At this point, unfortunately, we have no other option, ”the governor reportedly said over the weekend.

As part of Brown’s temporary freeze, which is expected to last until early December, restaurants and bars will reduce their operations to take-out and delivery options. Gyms, museums and ice rinks will also have to close during the period.

The move comes as the state has reported an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks.

According to the newspaper, nearly 1,100 COVID-19 infections are added to the state’s case count daily. This would be more than double the rate reported by the state several weeks ago.


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