Big retailers like Walmart and Costco establish new Covid-19 protocols


UNITED STATES – With the number of Covid-19 cases increasing across the country, many retail stores are working to reduce crowds.

Starting Saturday, Walmart begins counting customers who walk in and out of their stores “out of caution.”

The retail giant says it’s a way to keep their capacity at no more than twenty percent.

Other department stores are also announcing changes to their retail operations due to the pandemic.

At Costco, customers with certain medical conditions were exempt from the store’s mask policy, but now must wear a face shield to enter.

Bare shelves are found in some retail stores, reminiscent of the shopping panic we saw at the very start of the pandemic.

Do you remember the limits on the number of products you can buy at one time? Now Walmart, Kroger, Wegmans and Publix have announced they are capping the number of items customers can buy, citing shortages of items such as toilet paper and disinfectant wipes.

Some stores are bringing Black Friday deals online early in hopes of picking up sales this holiday season.


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