Mick Mulvaney ‘concerned’ about Giuliani’s role in Trump election case


Former Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick mulvaneyMick MulvaneyOn The Money: Senate issues spending bills, holds talks for December deal | McConnell pushes for ‘highly targeted’ COVID deal | CFPB vet who fought Trump will lead Biden’s agency overhaul plans The Office of Consumer Affairs vet who fought Trump will lead Biden of Trump agency overhaul plans told advisers he plans to show up in 2024: PLUS report said on Wednesday he was “concerned” about Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiHoyer calls for House rules to be changed to protect whistleblowers Giuliani denies asking 000 a day to do legal work for Trump The Hill’s 12:30 p.m. report – Brought to you by Capital One – Facebook, Twitter CEOs testify on the 2020 elections PLUSthe role of the Trump campaign in the legal efforts of the campaign against the election results.

His comments come after Giuliani appeared in court Tuesday on behalf of the campaign hours before a hearing in a case aimed at preventing Pennsylvania from certifying its election results.

In an interview with Fox Business’s “Mornings With Maria,” Mulvaney said it was important for the campaign to move forward with its legal challenges, but criticized the use of the president’s personal counsel in these efforts as opposed to more experienced lawyers.

“I’m still a little concerned about using Rudy Giuliani,” Mulvaney said. “It seems to me that this is the most important trial in the history of the country and that they do not use the best known election lawyers.”

President TrumpDonald John Trump 46% of voters say Trump should immediately concede: Michigan County poll reverses course, votes unanimously to certify election results GOP Senator: Trump should not fire senior government official cybersecurity PLUS announced over the weekend that Giuliani would lead his legal effort following the election.

However, the former New York mayor’s association with the president has come under scrutiny, in part due to media appearances in which he made embarrassing blunders. Most recently, he was criticized for holding a press conference in the parking lot of a landscaping company near a pornography store.

“It’s not a TV show, this is the real thing,” Mulvaney said. “So on the one hand, I think it needs to move forward. It absolutely is. I wish it had been pursued a little more efficiently.

Giuliani denied to the New York Times that he asked the campaign for $ 20,000 a day for his legal services. The newspaper reported that some of Trump’s allies feared Giuliani would push for legal action in order to make more money.

“I never asked for $ 20,000,” he told the newspaper. “The arrangement is that we’re going to get there in the end.”

Trump refused to concede election after president-elect Joe bidenJoe Biden 46% of voters say Trump should give in immediately: Michigan County poll reverses course, votes unanimously to certify election results GOP Senator: Trump shouldn’t fire top cybersecurity official MORE was scheduled to win on November 7, after extending its lead in several key states. The president’s campaign filed several lawsuits in battlefield states, including Michigan and Pennsylvania, to invalidate or stop the count of mail-in ballots that went overwhelmingly in favor of Biden.


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