Georgia Completes 2020 Election Recount, Says Joe Biden Won State


Georgia concluded a recount of the ballots in the presidential race on Thursday – and the results confirm Joe Biden won the state, state election officials said.

A manual tally of Peach State’s 5 million ballots was launched on Friday after initial results showed Biden narrowly leading President Trump by 14,000 votes, or about 0.3 percentage point.

Previously unrecounted ballots were found in several counties during the audit, which reduced the margin to around 12,800.

Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who ordered the recount, said Thursday that “the audit was very close to what we had in election night reporting.”

“It’s so close, it’s not a thimble full of difference,” Raffensperger told local station WSB-TV.

Joe biden
Joe bidenPhoto by Joe Raedle / Getty Images

He said there was “no doubt” the state would certify the president-elect’s victory by Friday’s deadline.

When asked if he had seen evidence of fraud, Raffensperger replied, “No”.

“It doesn’t appear, it doesn’t work. The numbers are not there, ”he said.

Once the votes are certified, the Trump campaign has two business days to request another recount if the margin remains below 0.5%, according to state law.

With pole wires


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