Demon’s Souls secret door opened by Twitch streamer Distortion2


The mystery of Souls of the demon“New secret door has been solved. Twitch streamer Distortion unlocked the door live on Thursday, revealing the mysterious bounty that delighted the Souls of the demon community for a week.

Gain? A new set of armor that was not available in the original Souls of the demon, the Penetrator set.

The distortion seems to be the first Souls of the demon player to secure this Penetrator armor set by acquiring the required amount of Ceramic Pieces, a new item added to the game’s remake from Bluepoint Games. According to Distortion’s tests, 26 coins are needed to exchange for the Rusty Key with the merchant known as Sparkly the Crow, which requires several newer parts of the game.

You can watch Distortion securing the Rusty Key in its Twitch stream here, and skip to the door opening ceremony here. Here’s a photo of Distortion modeling the Penetrator armor set:

While Souls of the demon Previously included the Penetrator Sword – known as the Penetrating Sword – the boss armor set was not included in the original PlayStation 3 game from FromSoftware. Bluepoint has added a handful of new items and weapons for its PS5 remake, including new rings, consumables, and gear exclusive to a Deluxe Edition of Souls of the demon.

And while some players’ expectations were high for the mysterious treasure that Distortion uncovered, the addition of Penetrator armor is a nice bonus, one that the Souls of the demon community has long wished. (This also matches Bluepoint’s hidden treasure in its remake of Shadow of the colossus, Dormin’s sword.)

Souls of the demonThe mystery of the locked door was quickly solved by the community, who discovered the new ceramic collector’s item scattered around the game world, but only when players had reached Pure White or Pure Black World Tendency in certain areas. Sprinted distortion Souls of the demon with the help of a bug that gives players hit-kill powers, believing he would need to farm a lot more ceramic pieces to solve the Bluepoint puzzle.


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