New York subway victim does not remember the attack


The Brooklyn woman who was pushed past a train in Union Square said she had no recollection of the horrific attack.

Liliana Sagbaicela, 40, was pushed past an oncoming 5 train by a stranger on her way to a cleaning job at 8:30 am Thursday. She told 1010 WINS that she is lucky to be alive and that she has a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

“What I remember, when I got there, I wanted to listen to my Bible, so I put it on this one, and that’s the last thing I remember,” Sagbaicela said.

“I didn’t know what had happened. When I was in the hospital I woke up, opened my eyes and said, “What happened? I think I was dreaming, because I had no idea, ”she said. “Later, they cut my clothes. Later I say, “What happened? … ‘You had an accident.’ “

“I saw in the video, man – oh my gosh I can’t believe it,” said Sagbaicela moved. “Does this happen? Now I understand why everyone and the police tell me, “You are alive for miracles. You are a miracle. “

Sagbaicela landed directly on the platform between the rails and was relatively unscathed by the two cars which passed overhead a fraction of a second later. She is at home recovering with her husband and two daughters.

Suspect Aditya Vemulapati, 24, who police say is homeless, is being held without bail for attempted murder and assault. Officers told Sagbaicela that she still had to formally file a complaint against the suspect, even though she was afraid to take the metro.

“The only thing [the detective] told me – he is right – if you didn’t bring the accusation, he will do it again. Because we have to let him free, he’s going to do it to someone, ”Sagbaicela said.

Thursday morning’s attack came two hours after a beggar allegedly pushed a man onto the rails at Bryant Park station when the victim refused to give him money.

Police said the suspect, Justin Pena, 23, had a history of violent attacks on balaclavas.


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