Pennsylvania governor who required COVID masks to be worn indoors bans alcohol sales the night before Thanksgiving


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, whose administration said last week that masks are now needed indoors, on Monday announced new rules to combat the resurgence of coronavirus cases. Among them was the ban on the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises.

“As Pennsylvania sees an increase in cases, the Commonwealth is tightening restrictions. All major events and gatherings are now reduced until further notice, ”read a statement from the governor’s office.

“In addition, the retail food service industry, including bars, restaurants and private events, is to end sales of alcohol for on-site consumption at 5 pm on November 25 only.

The governor’s office said the new rules are aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus, at a time when health models predict “22,000 new cases of COVID-19 per day in Pennsylvania in December.”

The governor said the orders in place, and those announced today, are “enforceable” and that “law enforcement and state agencies will step up enforcement efforts, issue citations and fines, and possibly regulatory measures for repeat offenders ”.


Like Wolf, other city and state leaders have focused on selling alcohol before the holidays. District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser on Monday ordered that starting Wednesday, November 25, restaurants can continue to stay open until midnight, but must suspend alcohol sales at 10 p.m.

Fox News has contacted the governor’s press office with a request for comment on the alcohol ban.

The ban on the sale of alcohol for on-site consumption is the Wolf administration’s latest effort to step up restrictions in order to combat the resurgence of cases.

Last week, the Pennsylvania Department of Health announced that masks are now needed outdoors where it is not possible to maintain a distance of at least six feet from others, and indoors where people from several households come together – even if they can maintain a social distance.

Wolf tweeted Monday that the Pennsylvanians are in “a dangerous situation and we must work together to slow the spread of # COVID19 and save lives.”

“COVID is tough, but Pennsylvanians are tougher. Let’s get to work and flatten the curve, ”he says.

The governor said tougher measures were needed given the strains facing hospitals and state health systems.


“If our health care system is compromised, it is not only patients with COVID-19 who will suffer. If we run out of hospital beds or if hospital staff are overworked to the point of failure, care will suffer for every patient – including those who need emergency care for illnesses, accidents or ailments. chronic unrelated to COVID-19, ”he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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