Dozens of Loveland businesses strike pact to stay open despite red-level restrictions – CBS Denver


LOVELAND, Colorado (CBS4) – More than 65 Loveland-based companies have signed a pact to stay open for business as Larimer County moves to red-level restrictions. Level Red on the state’s COVID-19 dial is one step away from Level Purple, a full stop, and preventing restaurants from having inside meals or guests.

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Businesses that signed on to the deal believed the county and state were imposing unfair and unnecessary restrictions on small businesses.

“We’re not going to close,” said Clay Caldwell, owner of Betta Gumbo in downtown Loveland.

Caldwell, who has used his business and kitchen to feed thousands of meals for free amid the coronavirus pandemic, said he joined the pact because the government has reportedly blamed small businesses heavily for failing to do so. be no case of COVID-19 spread.

“It’s a matter of fairness,” Caldwell told CBS4’s Dillon Thomas. “Each of these businesses has families that they need to earn the money to be able to live, and they have every right to that.”

Caldwell, speaking on behalf of the growing list of companies agreeing to challenge Level Red’s enforcement, said he believed big box stores were unfairly allowed to move forward with their businesses while small businesses with more direct oversight of customer safety were berated.

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“Here in the restaurants, bars and small businesses of Loveland, we are penalized and left with an unfair verdict. It pisses me off, ”Caldwell said. “If we disinfect ourselves more here, I could start doing surgery and make a lot more money.”

Local brewer Morgen Harrington was one of those who joined the list. She accused the county of enforcing health guidelines based on the increase in COVID-19 cases statewide, rather than focusing on each individual community.

She and other business owners have asked Larimer County and Governor Jared Polis to allow a county-wide “five-star program” which would give qualified individual businesses the ability to operate under lesser restrictions for a period of time. County-wide Level Red status. .

The concept was first proposed, approved and adopted in Mesa County.

“Businesses are allowed to operate under yellow restrictions if the county goes red,” Harrington said. “We want this to happen in Loveland.”

A letter obtained by CBS4 and written to health officials and Polis called on health officials to adopt the flagship program in Larimer County. The letter, provided below in its entirety, has been signed by all of the state legislators in Larimer County.

However, in a written statement to CBS4, Katie O’Donnell of Larimer County said the county was unable to adopt such a system at this time.

“We prefer to work with (local businesses) on this, but the state has made it clear that it will withdraw retail licenses for non-compliance. This is what we are trying to avoid, because a minimum revocation is at least 60 days and they would be completely shut down, ”O’Donnell wrote. “We have already applied for approval for a 5 star program like Mesa’s. We were told that none of them had red status. Mesa was granted while they were protecting our neighbor and this was allowed on a trial basis.

“All Colorado businesses must obey our laws,” Polis said at a press conference.

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“It’s not political. It’s because we care about our community, ”Harrington said.

Caldwell has said he has no plans to shut down and said he will take this battle as far as necessary to protect his employees, his company and fellow entrepreneurs.

“I will not let my staff go hungry or without a roof over their heads for Christmas. They have the right to survive, ”Caldwell said. “I’m here to say ‘Don’t step on me.’ I will survive ♫. My people will prosper. Our community will become stronger. And it will happen because we all have a part to do.

Letter to state and local officials from local lawmakers:

Dear Governor Polis,

Thank you to all of you for your hard work over the past few days as we work together to reverse the COVID trend. We recognize that none of this work is easy and that there are no right answers.

We understand you have heard of the 5-Star Variance program that Mesa County Health and the Chamber put in place in August to encourage businesses to do the right thing and to help create safe opportunities for the pursuit of business. They now have over 400 businesses that have gone through a special accreditation process to receive the 5-star variation, which allows them to operate more openly than the current county level. In the example of Mesa, they are at Red and certified companies can operate at Orange.

The concept is quite simple: a company makes a request for exemption, notably by using a form that describes the minimum expectations (enforcing the wearing of a mask, social distancing, specific cleaning, etc.) and the “beyond” requirements. . The health department then reviews the request, sends a temporary staff member to verify and ensure the company is compliant, and then issues the 5-star approval. The Chamber then promotes those who receive 5-star approval – with a celebration, press release, ads, social media, and more. The program is open to all businesses and is free. Mesa uses CARES money to pay for the program and currently has $ 20,000 invested, a significant portion of which goes to advertising.

The undersigned Larimer County lawmakers urge you to immediately approve a 5 star program for Larimer County. We must provide our businesses with opportunities for survival. Enclosed is information from the Grand Junction House and links to resources created by the Department of Health.

Senator Rob Woodward
Senator Joann Ginal
Representative Jeni Arndt
Representative Hugh McKean
Representative Perry Buck
Representative Cathy Kipp

Loveland companies included in the pact to stay open:

Bob Shaffer: Rock Coast Brewery
Kerry Drake: Drätz Brewing Company
Julie Shaffer: AKA Kitchen
Christian Jorgensen: Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc.
Ashly Tugmon: Blue Mesa Lounge and Shop
Mark Sommers: Berthoud Brewing Co
Cody Bays: Northern Colorado Navy
Clay Caldwell: Betta Gumbo
Robin Frahm: Rock Coast Brewery
Kim Ellis: Ellis Ranch Events Center
Rick Frahm: Rock Coast Brewery
Geoffery Frahm: The Real Estate Group Inc
Shane McWatters: Darling City Race
Jay Watterson: Loveland Athletic Club
Ryann Carlson: reDefine Fit
Christen French: Room Wicked Tequila
Dave Orr: Dave Orr Insurance Agency Inc.
Duane Higgins / Dave Currie: Big Beaver Brewing Company LTD
Mike Severance: Cactus Grid
Jeanine Cardot: mortgage loan officer
Derek Krasuski: Northern Colorado Carpet
Thadeus Krehbiel: Krow Hill Digital LLC
Kristi Dressler: Loveland and South Lifestyle
Kristen Edmunds: American Dream Property Solutions
Randy Isaac: Catalyst Inspections
Don Chapman: Grimm Brothers Brewery
Christi Sullivan: Loveland Yoga & Core Fitness
Mike Severance: Cactus Grid
Tracie Hartman: Fresh Plate Catering
Shawna White: Big Thompson CrossFit
Cliff White: Big Thompson CrossFit
Jacob Fellure: Agence Jacob Fellure
Melanie Lewis: hand down massage
Shaun Adams: Adams Chiropractic and Wellness
Dave Hazen: Mini Tote Storage
Roxie Ellis: Ellis Ranch Event Center & Wedding Park
Terry Ellis: Ellis Ranch Event Center & Wedding Park
Kerri Reiger-Cole: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Barry Gustafson: Insurance Advantage
Jennifer Lunt: The Beauty Salon and Boutique
Krystal Thomas: Nu-Reflections Medspa
Mark E Wright: Self
Geoffery Frahm: The Group Inc Immobilier
Jon-Mark C. Patterson: Jon-Mark C. Patterson PC
Abe Pilato: Grimm Brothers Brewery
William Svoboda: Edgetronix, LLC
Evan Mann: Wooden Mountain Boulder Gym
Rick Baumann: R & D companies
Kaits Cleaning LLC
CNC remodeling: Carlos Delval
Armando Carrion: Ace of Trades
Premier Gymnastics
Wendy Backel: Wendy’s Way Cleaning
All restart services
Mark Baer: SCR Performance
AquaTerra LTD
Taylor Baker: Firms Tab
Start to finish construction
Colorado Earth Works
Grinding ax
Dennis Callahan: Electric Callahan
Empire Painting LLC
Mountain border
Mini storage Scott J and B
Kathy Weiner: Weimer Construction, LLC
Stacy Tamlin: Aqua Bay Tan
Fadil Astafaj: CJ’s Patio Grill
Senor Rafaels at the Mexican Inn
Mike McCarty: Loveland Chophouse
Chad and Sue Miller: McGraffs American Grill


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