Black Friday shoppers stay at home


Here’s what’s happening with the coronavirus pandemic in the United States on Friday:


– The coronavirus pandemic reduced crowds at malls and stores across the country on Black Friday, but a surge in online shopping has offered a little silver lining to struggling retailers after months of declining sales and corporate bankruptcy.

– Some colleges and universities are rethinking their plans for the next semester as coronavirus cases increase across the country. A growing number of campuses will only offer virtual learning, but others are evaluating how they would bring students back, which could mean adjusting testing protocols, introducing new screening systems, and eliminating spring break to discourage students from traveling to help keep campuses open.

– The Walt Disney Co. announced plans to lay off 4,000 more workers at its theme parks in California and Florida due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The company has limited visitation to its parks and changed protocols to allow for social distancing.

THE NUMBERS: The number of Americans diagnosed with coronavirus topped 13 million on Friday, and more than 263,500 deaths have been attributed to the virus since the start of the pandemic. The country averages more than 1,650 deaths per day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

QUOTE: “My biggest worry is probably that people will become more relaxed with their individual social distancing / quarantine measures during the winter break,” University of Vermont President Suresh Garimella said in the mail. electronic. “I can only hope that people will remember the importance of these safety measures and continue to apply them for their health and for our education.”

ICYMI: Tens of thousands of letters pour into Santa’s mailbox offer a glimpse into the concerns and hopes of children awaiting a Christmas pandemic. The postal sorting office in the French region of Bordeaux has been managing its mail since 1962, but this year, alongside the usual calls for toys and gadgets, children are asking for vaccines, visits from grandparents, so that life can be restored. as it was.

ON THE HORIZON: Christmas tree growers who have faced increased interest in artificial trees in recent years say demand for freshly cut conifers is strong this season. Wholesalers and small farms say customers are showing up earlier than usual and outnumbering them. More Americans are staying home during the holidays amid virus restrictions and want a new – or renewed – tradition to end a dreary year on a happier note.


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