Georgian Secretary of State opens investigation into voter registration groups


Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (right) on Monday announced that he was opening an investigation into third-party voting groups that allegedly encouraged people outside of Georgia to register to vote in the second round of elections. January senatorial elections.

Raffensperger at a press conference named four groups he would investigate: America Votes, Vote Forward, The New Georgia Project and Operation New Elector Registration Georgia.

“We have opened an investigation into a group called America Votes, which sends postal voting requests to people at addresses where they have not lived since 1994,” Raffensperger said.

In a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, America Votes said it sent nominations to those on the voters list maintained by Raffensperger’s office.

“We are happy that so many Georgians have already applied to vote by post for this election and we will continue our work to ensure that all voices are heard in January,” the group said.

Republican holder Sens. David PerdueDavid Perdue Georgia Secretary of State opens investigation into voter registration groups Trump Jr. aides launch super PAC to persuade President’s supporters to vote in Georgia and Kelly loefflerKelly Loeffler Five Things to Know About Georgia Senate Second Round Trump: ‘I’m ashamed to Endorse’ Georgia’s Kemp Ossoff Warns McConnell would bring federal government to a standstill if GOP held Senate MORE will face Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Georgia on January 5. The outcome of the two races will determine which party controls the Senate.

Raffensperger accused Vote Forward of attempting to register a deceased woman in Alabama as a voter in Georgia, the New Georgia Project of sending registration forms to people in New York, and Operation New Voter. Registration Georgia for asking students to temporarily change residence in Georgia.

“Voting in Georgia while you are not a resident of Georgia is a crime, and encouraging students to commit crimes without regard for [it] could mean to them is contemptible. These third party groups have a responsibility not to encourage illegal voting. If they do, they will be held accountable, ”Raffensperger said.

State voting system director Gabriel Sterling said he assumed the groups would claim the incidents as either legitimate or accidental.

“But that’s why you are investigating,” Sterling said.

According to Sterling, 940,000 Georgians have already requested postal ballots for the second round, while 1.3 million Georgians have requested postal ballots for the November 3 elections.

The results of the presidential election in Georgia have been repeatedly attacked by President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump rages against “ 60 minutes ” for interview with Krebs Cornyn Spox: Neera Tanden has “ no chance ” of being confirmed as OMB lawmaker chosen by Biden in Pennsylvania was informed of positive coronavirus test when meeting with Trump: MORE report and its allies.

Raffensperger, who said he voted for Trump, stood by the results and hit back at claims that Georgia’s voting system allowed a fraudulent result. So far, an audit of the voting machines and a manual recount have been carried out, both reaffirming the president-elect Joe bidenJoe BidenTrump rages against ’60 minutes’ for interview with Krebs Cornyn Spox: Neera Tanden has ‘no chance’ of being confirmed as Biden’s OMB picks Five things to know about second round of the Georgia Senate LEARN MORE as a winner.

On Monday, Trump’s campaign called for a signature audit on ballots for the fifth time. Georgia Gov. Brian kempBrian KempTrump: ‘I’m ashamed to approve’ Kemp in Georgia Trump tackles pandemic but not elections in Turkey’s annual pardon Chris Christie: Trump’s legal team has been ‘a national embarrassment ” MORE (R) also expressed support for an example of signature verification.

Trump told reporters last week that he would be traveling to Georgia to support GOP candidates in their respective elections.


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