Giuliani Appears With Witnesses Alleging Voter Fraud In Stormy Michigan Hearing


President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani appeared in Michigan in an at times heated hearing before the state House of Representatives Oversight Committee to address allegations of voter fraud in the presidential election from 2020.

Several witnesses were called upon to present various allegations of fraud, each playing a different role in the electoral process.


The first witness, Jessy Jacob, who Giuliani said had never testified before, worked as an election worker in Detroit and complained about the way she was treated by her superiors. She also alleged that election workers were trained on how to change ballots and said she was advised not to ask for voter IDs.

Jacob said she did not listen to instructions and continued to ask voters for ID, for her “peace of mind.”

Jacob’s testimony lasted nearly an hour – which Republican President Matthew Hall, a Republican, asked to be reduced to a maximum of 10 minutes for each of the following witnesses – and ended with a question from Democratic Representative David LaGrand, asking Jacob if she knew Michigan doesn’t require voters to show their ID to vote, adding that he “always voted that way.”

Jacob seemed frustrated before citing a law that requires “zero to 14 days prior to registration time, you must provide proof of residency.” LaGrand concluded his time by saying that she was “confused”.

His testimony came under further scrutiny after Representative Darrin Camilleri, a Democrat, asked why his testimony should be considered credible when Judge Timothy Kennedy dismissed his case due to a lack of credibility .

“I am not aware of such a decision; she was never a witness in court, ”Giuliani said before Jacob responded.

Camilleri repeated his question and reiterated Kennedy’s decision before Giuliani yelled “objection”, further irritating Camilleri.

“This is not a courtroom, it is a committee. Why do you keep objecting to what I’m saying here? The Michigan representative rejected Giuliani.

L'ancien maire de la ville de New York, Rudy Giuliani, avocat du président Trump, prend la parole lors d'une audition du comité des politiques de la majorité du Sénat de l'État de Pennsylvanie, mercredi 25 novembre 2020, à Gettysburg, Pennsylvanie <br /> (AP Photo / Julio Cortez) “/></source></source></picture></div>
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Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, attorney for President Trump, speaks during a Pennsylvania State Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing, Wednesday, November 25, 2020, in Gettysburg , Pennsylvania
(AP Photo / Julio Cortez)

The hearing, which lasted well beyond the originally scheduled three-hour deadline, was interrupted by several calls to order from the president as the public continued to call from their seats. Members of the Committee, increasingly frustrated by the testimony, many of which had already been found not to be credible in court, also repeatedly suspended the proceedings.

The next witness, Melissa Carone, claimed that Jacob’s claims were not credible “because she was not even there”.


Carone had her own complaints, alleging that as a Dominion technician on election night she had seen Democratic votes recounted up to “30,000” times.

The chair had to hit his hammer several times throughout his testimony, which also lasted longer than the 10 minutes requested, due to interruptions from committee members and cheering from his supporters at the back of the room.

Carone concluded her testimony by alleging a theory that all election workers were participating in a scheme to rig the election.

“Democrats love to ruin your lives,” she said as supporters clapped and Hall hit her hammer to call for order, “just like they do for Trump,” she added.

The testimony provided an opportunity for the Oversight Committee to hear allegations of voter fraud during the election, although none of the “witnesses” were under oath – a circumstance that Rep. Cynthia Johnson, Democrat, has said. repeatedly contested. calling to be under oath.

Hall told Fox News the reason they weren’t given sworn testimony is because the hearing was designed as “briefing sessions” and not “court proceedings. “.


“We are an oversight committee looking at how the election went in Michigan and trying to find ways to improve ourselves in the future,” Hall said.

“What we’re trying to do is look at these allegations, shine a light on the things that have happened and look forward to the next election, improve the existing laws so that they work better. easily and that we can restore public confidence, ”he added.


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