Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine may cause side effects in people with facial fillers – NBC 7 San Diego


The FDA advisory committee reviewing the new Moderna vaccine noted a specific side effect involving several trial participants who have cosmetic facial fillers.

Dr Amir Karam, a facial plastic surgeon in Carmel Valley, said specifically that swelling of the face was seen in a small number of patients in the trial.

“So what they saw in the 30,000 member trial that Moderna did was that they found that about three of these patients had a reaction to the filler. The reaction was localized to where the load was introduced, so in a few cases it was the lip and cheek, ”he said.

One of the participants had a refill two weeks before vaccination, another had had it six months before.

Millions of people have cosmetic face fillers administered by a doctor to smooth fine lines, wrinkles, and improve cheeks and lips. Karam says the reaction to the vaccine is immunological.

“What happens is you take a vaccine and your immune system suddenly builds up. The thought is basically because of this effect of the immune system is that it targets the areas in which you have a filling and causes a more robust inflammatory response, ”he said.

He also said that this possible side effect shouldn’t prevent people from getting the vaccine back. Karam said all dermis filling reactions were easily treated by medical staff.

But what if people have a filler and have a slight reaction? Karam said, “I think if it’s localized, a very mild type of reaction just that the areas are swollen, I think the first step is to contact the doctor who injected the filler.

If someone has a severe anaphylactic reaction, they should go to the emergency room immediately for help.


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