Zack Snyder reveals favorite parts of WW84


Justice League director Zack Snyder revealed what his favorite parts of Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman 1984 were in a recent interview.

Director Zack Snyder recently shared his favorite aspects of Wonder Woman 1984.

While discussing Justice LeagueHBO Max’s upcoming release, Snyder shared what made Patty Jenkins’ film so enjoyable in an interview with ComicBook Debate. In the end, it was the world of Themyscira and Steve Trevor’s (Chris Pine) comeback that he remembered with praise.

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“I love the openness of Themyscira,” he said. “I thought it was really fun. I love this world, the world of Themyscira. I find it really fascinating. I find it really interesting, so everything that happens in Themyscira, I’m 100%.”

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Snyder also praised that the story included the character of Steve Trevor. “I really liked Steve in the movie. I thought when he came back and – Chris Pine is amazing and the role is perfect and he’s perfect in it – you are able to do this roller coaster ride with Diana where it all comes flush in this really intense and amazing way, ”a Snyder said. “And you see that everything that happened between the first Wonder woman and this movie – and she’s certainly done some amazing things in the meantime – to have that secret wish for her is personal. It makes her really relatable and incredibly real. “

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“Whenever I see this part of the movie I always have tears – like good excited tears,” Gadot said in a previous interview about Wonder Woman 1984the Themyscira scene. “And I think it’s so important – and of course it’s extremely important for me because I’m a mother of two daughters – to show them the potential of what they can be. And that doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be athletic or physically strong – that too – but that they can be larger than life. “

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is slated for release on HBO Max in March 2021. Snyder’s Cut from Justice League will mainly show Diana Prince / Wonder Woman as a loner who “has to be integrated into a team setting”. He also shared some of her bow in a previous interview, noting that “she looks forward to the future. [and asks] what is its place? And is it time to think about what she left with Themyscira? “

Directed and co-written by Patty Jenkins, Wonder Woman 1984 stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal and Natasha Rothwell. The film is now in theaters and streaming on HBO Max.

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Source: Comics Debate

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