Trump campaign lawyer steps down after saying election stuff was used to commit crime


Lawyer Jerome Marcus asks to withdraw from a case in which the Trump campaign has sued the Philadelphia County Electoral Board over where ballot processing observers might stand, as part of early efforts of Trump to spread false claims that campaign observers have been blocked. to watch the vote count.

“The client is insisting on taking action which the lawyer finds repugnant and with which the lawyer has fundamental disagreement,” Marcus wrote in court on Thursday.

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In a statement to CNN, Marcus defended the case as being “factually based,” but said Trump used the case and other court cases to incite violence, specifically referring to Wednesday’s riots by supporters pro-Trump on Capitol Hill.

“I am referring specifically to his exhortation to come to Washington for a ‘savage’ protest,” Marcus said in his statement. “I absolutely don’t want to be a part of this. Therefore, I asked the court to allow me to step down as counsel.”

In the case of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Trump campaign sued, claiming it was unfairly prevented from observing the poll in Philadelphia. But Federal Judge Paul Diamond, his patience clearly tested with the legal complaint, confirmed GOP watchers were allowed to watch.

When the judge lobbied Trump campaign lawyer Marcus if there were any observers in the campaign hall, Marcus said, “There are a non-zero number of people in the hall.”


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