DOJ official says he expects they will indict “hundreds” of rioters in the coming weeks


Representative Brad Schneider,
Representative Brad Schneider, Pool

Representative Brad Schneider, a Democrat from Illinois, was among those forced to take cover as rioters stormed the Capitol on Wednesday.

He told CNN he was extremely frustrated with the lack of information from the Capitol Police on what went wrong and what changes will be made in the wake of the insurgency.

“I’m frustrated, extremely frustrated that we haven’t had these briefings, not just to us, but to the American people. What happened, where it went wrong, what we know, what we are learning, a local theft we had about it, ”said Schneider.

“I’ve been involved in conversations and reports within the Democratic caucus. We haven’t had a full briefing. We can’t have a confidential briefing, at least I’m not, I haven’t. technology to be part of a classified briefing, so I didn’t participate in that, ”he added.

Schneider expressed his admiration for the Capitol Police officers, who he said were doing their best under difficult circumstances, but he was quick to point out that this was a position in which they had no need to be.

“What happened on Wednesday was preventable. It was predictable first. There were reports, just look at social media. I saw a report today that the FBI was concerned to actually cite without cite a war in the Capitol. It was preventable. There were steps that I believe the Capitol police, others could have taken to keep the crowds away and have fallback positions, so that even if they had crossed the first barrier, they could have stopped him in high school or even in third, and he should have been managed much better. We are hearing more and more reports of slow responses and poor communications, “he said. he declares.

Schneider isn’t the only one worried. Many members believe they aren’t getting the level of information they need from the Capitol Police and, according to a senior Democratic aide, frustration is growing.

“For every suspicious package on the Hill, I will receive 10 emails in real time. Then, regarding this biggest security breach in recent times, we hear very little,” the aide said.

Specifically, the complaint is that there is little real-time information shared by the Capitol Police and this staff member does not believe there is a level of coordination when it comes to updates and alerts – this is essentially radio silence. Other than a hastily arranged Monday night briefing, there was no briefing from the Capitol Police Chief of Staff for the members.

Schneider also expressed concern that some Capitol Hill police officers may have been involved or aided the rioters. He said radicalization in the military and law enforcement ranks has been a problem for some time and needs to be addressed.

“I’ve heard of it and yes, I’ve been concerned about radicalization within our law enforcement and even our military for a long time,” Schneider said. He referred to the legislation he has introduced in the past to deal with the problem.

“We have to understand the risk, and then develop the plans and implement those plans to address and eliminate that risk. I hope that in this new Congress we can do that,” he added.


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