Woman interrupts Schumer press conference and calls him ‘racist anti-Semite’


Woman interrupted Senate Minority Leader Charles SchumerChuck Schumer Michigan GOP lawmaker says he is ‘strongly considering’ impeachment Senate Democrats ask Trump to deal with COVID-19 vaccine distribution Pelosi acknowledges criticism of Ocasio-Cortez, young members: “ I’m not firing her ” MORE (DN.Y.) at a press conference in the streets of New York on Tuesday, yelling at him and calling him a “racist anti-Semite.”

A video of the incident shared on Twitter shows the masked woman cursing Schumer as she made various statements about him and defended the violence on Capitol Hill that took place last week.

“I’m talking to this racist anti-Semite,” she shouted at the start of the video, claiming that Schumer, who is Jewish, is a Hitler supporter.

She said she was “happy” that the “Trumpsters” had it in them, referring to the attack on the Capitol building.

At one point, she noted that she was “sexually aroused” that Schumer was hiding under her desk during the siege.

“This is how much I hate you,” she yelled. “That’s how happy I am with what they’re doing.”

The heckler then hurled an insult at a man who was trying to subdue her, calling him a “racist cracker”.

“Where in the 1st Amendment do you say you must protest peacefully and politely?” she asked. “As long as there is outrage and turmoil in our hearts, there will be turmoil in these streets.”

She has repeatedly asked Schumer if he asked the police to step down during the Capitol Riots, saying he did so during the Black Lives Matter protests.

“These Trump supporters will go to you, they will go to Pelosi,” she shouted. “And I will be there to support them.”

She then yelled at people nearby who told her “enough” and booed her for her threats of violence, repeatedly telling them to “shut up the f — up”.

When security tried to remove her from the scene, she shouted, “Six feet! Six feet! Get down! Get down! Get down!”

“You can distribute it but you cannot take it,” she concludes.

The woman has not yet been identified.


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