Scoop: Freshmen at war after Capitol siege


The freshman class of House Republicans have been fighting since the assault on Capitol Hill last Wednesday, creating a clear division just over a week after taking the oath.

What we hear: Reps Nancy Mace (RS.C.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) On Tuesday walked back and forth on a text channel with all of the freshman GOP members, according to sources who read the text messages. .

  • The conversation began when Greene – a fierce supporter of President Trump and former supporter of QAnon – sent a National Pulse article to the channel claiming that the president’s approval numbers had increased in December.
  • Mace, who came out early against Republicans who planned to reject the election results, hit back: “I’m disgusted by what you and the other Q-conspiracy theorists did last week in the chamber after all this violence.
  • Greene said she condemned this and told Mace “don’t believe the fake news.” She also touched on how some Black Lives Matter protests turned violent.
  • Mace replied, “A literal QAnon lady trying to deny that she is a QAnon lady.”

According to sources who read the messages, Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) rang the bell thanking Greene for the president’s support. Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) Asked for Mace’s support.

Why is this important: The divisions that we see in the Republican Party as a whole reverberate at every level of Congress and make enemies within the new class of freshmen.

  • There is normally a sense of camaraderie among new members when they take office as they build on each other while learning to navigate Congress. The usual grace period has evaporated as they are forced to take a stand on Trump in the impeachment vote on Wednesday.


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