Moderna and Uber team up to raise awareness of coronavirus vaccine


In an unusual business relationship, biotechnology Modern (NASDAQ: ARNM) and king of carpooling Uber Technologies (NYSE: UBER) are collaborating on a coronavirus vaccine awareness program.

According to a press release issued jointly by the two companies, they “will work together initially to provide accessible and credible vaccine safety information via Uber’s in-app messaging … [and] work with public health and other organizations to identify additional opportunities to support ongoing efforts to expand access to COVID-19 vaccines. “

Car passenger receiving vaccine.

Image source: Getty Images.

Moderna has developed and brought to market one of only two coronavirus vaccines that have received Emergency Use Clearance (EUA) from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Its mRNA-1273, and Pfizer and BioNTechBNT162b2 are currently distributed and administered nationwide. Both deployments have been slow. Even if it is only marginally effective, this new initiative will be welcome.

In addition to raising awareness about coronavirus vaccines, Moderna and Uber are considering more direct ways to get Americans vaccinated. These include integrating Uber trip planning into vaccination appointment scheduling, among other measures.

In the press release, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said this was only the first in a series of biotech collaborations.

“As part of our commitment to help fight COVID-19, Moderna will work with a coalition of partners to educate, build confidence and increase awareness of the importance of immunization in communities heavily affected by the pandemic” , Bancel said. He did not identify these partners.

Last month, Uber pledged to provide 10 million free or discounted rides for people to get their shots. This initiative aims to serve people from disadvantaged communities.


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