Acting AG: ‘No tolerance whatsoever’ for problems at Biden inauguration


Rosen’s late-night emergence online came after long criticism from lawmakers and former officials about the lack of public reassurance from senior federal law enforcement officials over of the shocking assault on Capitol Hill last Wednesday.

Acting U.S. District Attorney in Washington, Michael Sherwin, and FBI Washington Field Office Chief Steven D’Antuono first held a camera briefing for reporters on Tuesday. They and / or their deputies held two telephone briefings with reporters after the Capitol riot last week, but their words were not allowed to be broadcast.

Rosen’s statement posted early Wednesday on YouTube has been pre-recorded. No questions were taken. The video was posted as President Donald Trump was suspended from the same platform for a week for what the Google-owned site called a violation of its rules.

Rosen – who became the second DOJ official in 2019 – took over as head of the Department of Justice just before Christmas, following the resignation of Attorney General William Barr.


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